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Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his returns. Let's make him the last -- by flooding the streets of DC and cities across the country this Saturday April 15th for the Tax March. Find a march near you now:
Dear friends,

Donald Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. We have no way of knowing how tangled his conflicts of interest are until we get full transparency. This tax day let's demand it!

The good news is we don’t even need Trump to willingly turn them over, Congress has the oversight authority to get the administration to release them. That’s what House Democrats have been pushing for since February, but Republicans have been shutting them down.

It’s ridiculous! And it’s why this Saturday, with Congress in recess and our representatives back in their home districts, we’re marching in towns and cities across the country and in DC in an epic April 15 Tax March, to demand Trump release his taxes to the American people:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

Both Trump and top aide Kellyanne Conway have said only the press cares about his taxes. They're wrong -- a recent ABC poll says 74% of the public want the president to release his returns.

We literally have no information right now about how much our president is in debt to banks or lenders, foreign or domestic. And even though Trump and his top aides are under investigation by the FBI, for possible collusion with Russian operatives during the election, we don’t even know how much of his financing, if any, comes from Russian banks or oligarchs. What is he hiding??

Like the Women’s March in January, the Tax March started out as an idea on social media, and quickly took on massive momentum, with dozens of groups piling on and over 120 marches planed across the country, from DC to NYC to Los Angeles to Trump's weekend getaway at Mar-a-Lago! We’re marching in the middle of Congress’ Spring recess to tell our representatives and especially the GOP the obvious: Trump doesn’t work for the Republican Party, he works for all of us.

It’s a huge moment to show up with a clear question for our lawmakers, the Trump administration, and the media: Who pays Donald Trump? This Saturday we march to find out:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

In 2014 the Avaaz community helped make the People’s Climate March the biggest climate mobilization the world had ever seen, and last year many of us joined the Democracy Spring money out of politics mobilizations, making headlines as the biggest civil disobedience action in decades. Step by step, march by action, our collective momentum is making history.

With hope and grit,

Joseph, Dalia, Nick, Andrew, Iain, Emma and the whole Avaaz team

P.S. If you live in the D.C. area and want to volunteer to help make the march as awesome as possible, sign up here.

More information:

Activists Plan 'Tax Day' Marches Calling For Release Of Trump's Taxes (NPR)

After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won’t Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ (Huffington Post)
After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won't Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ | The Huffington Post

Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet (The Atlantic)
Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet


Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


Tax Day in the US this year is actually Tuesday, April 18th because of the 15th being a Saturday and Monday the 17th being a holiday (I think) in Washington, D.C. So there may be more protesting going on both on Monday and Tuesday as people bring their last-minute tax returns to the post office. Just a thought I had.
There is one in Hartford, Conn. I think I can go. :)
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Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his returns. Let's make him the last -- by flooding the streets of DC and cities across the country this Saturday April 15th for the Tax March. Find a march near you now:
Dear friends,

Donald Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. We have no way of knowing how tangled his conflicts of interest are until we get full transparency. This tax day let's demand it!

The good news is we don’t even need Trump to willingly turn them over, Congress has the oversight authority to get the administration to release them. That’s what House Democrats have been pushing for since February, but Republicans have been shutting them down.

It’s ridiculous! And it’s why this Saturday, with Congress in recess and our representatives back in their home districts, we’re marching in towns and cities across the country and in DC in an epic April 15 Tax March, to demand Trump release his taxes to the American people:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

Both Trump and top aide Kellyanne Conway have said only the press cares about his taxes. They're wrong -- a recent ABC poll says 74% of the public want the president to release his returns.

We literally have no information right now about how much our president is in debt to banks or lenders, foreign or domestic. And even though Trump and his top aides are under investigation by the FBI, for possible collusion with Russian operatives during the election, we don’t even know how much of his financing, if any, comes from Russian banks or oligarchs. What is he hiding??

Like the Women’s March in January, the Tax March started out as an idea on social media, and quickly took on massive momentum, with dozens of groups piling on and over 120 marches planed across the country, from DC to NYC to Los Angeles to Trump's weekend getaway at Mar-a-Lago! We’re marching in the middle of Congress’ Spring recess to tell our representatives and especially the GOP the obvious: Trump doesn’t work for the Republican Party, he works for all of us.

It’s a huge moment to show up with a clear question for our lawmakers, the Trump administration, and the media: Who pays Donald Trump? This Saturday we march to find out:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

In 2014 the Avaaz community helped make the People’s Climate March the biggest climate mobilization the world had ever seen, and last year many of us joined the Democracy Spring money out of politics mobilizations, making headlines as the biggest civil disobedience action in decades. Step by step, march by action, our collective momentum is making history.

With hope and grit,

Joseph, Dalia, Nick, Andrew, Iain, Emma and the whole Avaaz team

P.S. If you live in the D.C. area and want to volunteer to help make the march as awesome as possible, sign up here.

More information:

Activists Plan 'Tax Day' Marches Calling For Release Of Trump's Taxes (NPR)

After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won’t Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ (Huffington Post)
After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won't Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ | The Huffington Post

Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet (The Atlantic)
Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet


Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


Tax Day in the US this year is actually Tuesday, April 18th because of the 15th being a Saturday and Monday the 17th being a holiday (I think) in Washington, D.C. So there may be more protesting going on both on Monday and Tuesday as people bring their last-minute tax returns to the post office. Just a thought I had.
So will you be marching?
Well apparently not enough coverage for @Calliegirl to think they were fake news. I was attempting to be polite because I was amazed she had never heard of Obama's drone programme.
I'd only heard of it through posts from conspiracy theory FB friends, and sadly, the internet was my main source for info for the years I didn't have TV. I knew what they were posting was nonsense so I relied on family and real life friends to keep me updated on important things since I didn't seek out political news online (I was busy with AR and vegan related stuff), and they never, ever mentioned that. I don't recall hearing about it on the news when I did have TV, but I usually turned off the news once politics and sports came on.

Not everyone is politically active or aware. It took me some time to get to where I'm finally paying attention. Although, I doubt I will ever watch any of Donny boy's speeches. :no:
I'd only heard of it through posts from conspiracy theory FB friends, and sadly, the internet was my main source for info for the years I didn't have TV. I knew what they were posting was nonsense so I relied on family and real life friends to keep me updated on important things since I didn't seek out political news online (I was busy with AR and vegan related stuff), and they never, ever mentioned that. I don't recall hearing about it on the news when I did have TV, but I usually turned off the news once politics and sports came on.

Not everyone is politically active or aware. It took me some time to get to where I'm finally paying attention. Although, I doubt I will ever watch any of Donny boy's speeches. :no:
It was similar for me. If nothing else, this last election has me paying attention to everything that is going on. I'm still reserving judgement on some of it and I'm glad that I'm not over-reacting like I had been even though my opinion of the president hasn't changed. What I'm noticing about a lot of the articles that are on FB, is that they say a lot of "if" this bill passes, it "could" do this that or the other thing. So I'm also trying to pay attention to information that has actual facts and not what supposedly could happen.
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Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his returns. Let's make him the last -- by flooding the streets of DC and cities across the country this Saturday April 15th for the Tax March. Find a march near you now:
Dear friends,

Donald Trump is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. We have no way of knowing how tangled his conflicts of interest are until we get full transparency. This tax day let's demand it!

The good news is we don’t even need Trump to willingly turn them over, Congress has the oversight authority to get the administration to release them. That’s what House Democrats have been pushing for since February, but Republicans have been shutting them down.

It’s ridiculous! And it’s why this Saturday, with Congress in recess and our representatives back in their home districts, we’re marching in towns and cities across the country and in DC in an epic April 15 Tax March, to demand Trump release his taxes to the American people:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

Both Trump and top aide Kellyanne Conway have said only the press cares about his taxes. They're wrong -- a recent ABC poll says 74% of the public want the president to release his returns.

We literally have no information right now about how much our president is in debt to banks or lenders, foreign or domestic. And even though Trump and his top aides are under investigation by the FBI, for possible collusion with Russian operatives during the election, we don’t even know how much of his financing, if any, comes from Russian banks or oligarchs. What is he hiding??

Like the Women’s March in January, the Tax March started out as an idea on social media, and quickly took on massive momentum, with dozens of groups piling on and over 120 marches planed across the country, from DC to NYC to Los Angeles to Trump's weekend getaway at Mar-a-Lago! We’re marching in the middle of Congress’ Spring recess to tell our representatives and especially the GOP the obvious: Trump doesn’t work for the Republican Party, he works for all of us.

It’s a huge moment to show up with a clear question for our lawmakers, the Trump administration, and the media: Who pays Donald Trump? This Saturday we march to find out:

JOIN the April 15 Tax March. Head to DC or find a march near you!

In 2014 the Avaaz community helped make the People’s Climate March the biggest climate mobilization the world had ever seen, and last year many of us joined the Democracy Spring money out of politics mobilizations, making headlines as the biggest civil disobedience action in decades. Step by step, march by action, our collective momentum is making history.

With hope and grit,

Joseph, Dalia, Nick, Andrew, Iain, Emma and the whole Avaaz team

P.S. If you live in the D.C. area and want to volunteer to help make the march as awesome as possible, sign up here.

More information:

Activists Plan 'Tax Day' Marches Calling For Release Of Trump's Taxes (NPR)

After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won’t Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ (Huffington Post)
After Trump Promised To Release His Tax Returns, Aide Says He Won't Because ‘People Didn’t Care’ | The Huffington Post

Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet (The Atlantic)
Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet


Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


Tax Day in the US this year is actually Tuesday, April 18th because of the 15th being a Saturday and Monday the 17th being a holiday (I think) in Washington, D.C. So there may be more protesting going on both on Monday and Tuesday as people bring their last-minute tax returns to the post office. Just a thought I had.

I don't think I can make it to this one, but I plan on going to the March for Science.
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I , from outside the USofA , find the history of the Democrats and the Republican parties confusing . The Democrats seemed to be pro slavery and maybe was the birth of the KKK or maybe the KKK gave birth to the Democrats ? . Where as , the Republican party (although originally seem to be known as the Confederates) seem to be working/fighting for the freedom of slaves , among other things .

So when did the demographics switch happen , and how did it happen . Please, just a the title of an unbiased book would be of help , I don't want to derail the thread .

I have watch out on the history channels down here ....with the election and all that , I thought something would appear ....but nothing
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I'll bet every psychologist and psychiatrist in the country is chomping at the bit to get him on their couch and find out what, if anything, goes on inside his head. I don't think he really wants to be president. He depends on TV programming to determine policy. His thoughts are scattered, jumbled, erratic and constantly jumping from one idea to the next. He lies and contradicts himself from sentence to sentence, refuses to learn from anyone or anything other than Fox News, and can't seem to remember stuff.
Trump's mis speak reminds me of a joke in South Park years ago where no-one could tell the difference between Iraq and Iran and used to say things like "Iran, Iraq, what't the goddamn difference."
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