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My local tax rally was small but spirited and we had decent speakers, including U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, whom I've always liked. He at least tries to fight for the little guy once in a while. I would say there were 1,000 to 1,500 or so people, though I'm not that good at estimating crowd sizes. :D

There were some good signs, too, and a few of the pussyhats from the women's march. I should have worn mine, lol, but it was a warm day, so I didn't need a hat. :D I always feel hopeful and energized after something like this. I just hope people stay engaged and keep demanding that the Orange Menace release his tax returns, among other things. One of my favorite signs read: "I'm not a reporter and I want to see your taxes." There were a lot signs asking: "What are you hiding?" I'm very glad I went. It helps release some of the frustration I feel every day. :)
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Drones are not robots. They are controlled by very real people.

Life as a drone operator: 'Ever step on ants and never give it another thought?'

Very good point. It's easy to put that aside in our minds because "flying robots raining down death" seems more futuristic or significant, but let's not fool ourselves. This is a pretty horrific part of our military that trains people to remotely kill with total apathy.

Yeah, when the same people post about chem-trails, 9-11 was an inside job, and the government is using mind control to make innocent people commit mass shootings, it's hard to believe anything they say.

I admit, I was pretty apathetic when it came to politics. I read up on the candidates and propositions before voting, but I didn't follow it in the news as much as I should have. Although I voted for Obama, I didn't watch his inauguration, or listen to his speeches throughout the years, and as far as I can remember, that goes for every president. I think I may have caught part of one speech. Last year was the first time I watched any debates. I followed a few things here and there (mostly the ACA, and complained about/made fun of Bush and Palin), but I usually turned off the news whenever politics and sports came on.

This past election has at least brought some of us out of our apathy. Better late than never. :oops:

I definitely get this. I was dragged into politics a little when I figured out I was gay, just out of an interest in my own well-being, and ended up learning a lot from progressive communities. But I've never been more politically aware than I am right now. That is the only good thing about this - I think in a way it's woken a lot of people up to how f**ked up our political system is, that it would allow something so flagrantly, obviously bad to happen.

Well apparently not enough coverage for @Calliegirl to think they were fake news. I was attempting to be polite because I was amazed she had never heard of Obama's drone programme.

Try to give benefit of the doubt - we all are victims of the news bubble mindset. Democrats have been trying to cover up and downplay the Obama administration's drone program since he became President, because it outs them as not being as progressive as they would like to be seen as. I know you are subject to similar news bubble effects - you've tried to downplay the danger the Trump presidency presents to disadvantaged groups and people, many times. I think the healthiest option here is to admit that we tend to be shaped by the media we consume and try to get past those roadblocks to learn more, hmm?
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Wow, that was horrible. :( I had no idea that drones are actually airplanes, I thought they were the things you see people flying in the neighborhood.

A drone is any sort of remotely operated (flying) vehicle, so you're not wrong.

The ones flown overseas used to drop bombs are much larger than the stuff you can find at Best Buy.
This isn't in response to anything specific but damn, am I tired of these long complicated news articles theorizing like "what does Trump really think about X? Let's look at his stances."

Like... he doesn't. He doesn't really think anything about anything on any meaningful level. The man is a giant malevolent toddler, that should be incredibly obvious at this point, why are we still trying to draw a cohesive political narrative out of this? He forgot which country he bombed. He forgot the country that has an actual civil war going on within it that he's apparently supposed to care about. And that's so tame compared to his usual fare that it's just a footnote.
This article explains the ridiculously simple truth that Trump does not know what he is doing with some good examples:

Donald Trump’s big problem is he doesn’t know what he’s talking about

The author of the article said:
Trump didn’t realize being president is complicated

Trump’s basic worldview, as articulated on the campaign trail, was that all the major dilemmas of American public policy had easy solutions. The reason the problems had not been solved already was that America’s political leaders were too stupid, too corrupt, or too “politically correct” to solve them.

This is a reasonably widespread view of things among the mass public, but as Trump has been discovering since taking office, it’s not true.

It actually also serves to explain why Trumpism (as an ideology characterized by making simple populist claims in order to get elected) will not work.

One of his trademark claims from the campaign trail "Lock her up!!!" (not mentioned in that article) might sound simple to his supporters and unfortunately served as a rallying cry that - among others - got him elected, but even if he wanted to follow through on it now, he (and possibly also his supporters) would likely find out at some point in time that it is not so easy anymore today (compared to, say, in a mediaeval court) for the regent to say "Lock her up" and have a subject incarcerated, because he said so.
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I made the mistake of going into The Deplorables group on FB. I thought it would be a bunch of pro and anti-trump people debating, but it wasn't, it was frightening. No doubt part of it was due to mob mentality, but those people are dangerous.
I've never seen so many people calling for violence, to go out and shoot people at marches, to go kill Muslims, saying horrible things about the Obama's and you couldn't imagine the pictures they posted, it was so thick with hatred in there.

Originally I was disgusted that we had so many people who voted for trump and at what type of people they are, but now, i'm terrified after seeing who they really are. :( After seeing all that talk about shooting people at the march, I'm going to be a bit nervous, but I'll still be there.
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Very good point. It's easy to put that aside in our minds because "flying robots raining down death" seems more futuristic or significant, but let's not fool ourselves. This is a pretty horrific part of our military that trains people to remotely kill with total apathy.

I definitely get this. I was dragged into politics a little when I figured out I was gay, just out of an interest in my own well-being, and ended up learning a lot from progressive communities. But I've never been more politically aware than I am right now. That is the only good thing about this - I think in a way it's woken a lot of people up to how f**ked up our political system is, that it would allow something so flagrantly, obviously bad to happen.

Try to give benefit of the doubt - we all are victims of the news bubble mindset. Democrats have been trying to cover up and downplay the Obama administration's drone program since he became President, because it outs them as not being as progressive as they would like to be seen as. I know you are subject to similar news bubble effects - you've tried to downplay the danger the Trump presidency presents to disadvantaged groups and people, many times. I think the healthiest option here is to admit that we tend to be shaped by the media we consume and try to get past those roadblocks to learn more, hmm?
Since I am not on facebook, a lot of the dramatic articles from both sides are (luckily) not on my radar until I see them here.

Just to be clear, I have been very involved in politics since before I was old enough to vote; I volunteered in the early 1970s trying to get the Equal Rights Amendment (for women) passed. I have voted in every presidential election since 1976, and nearly all of the off-year elections. I do not watch Fox news or Rush Limbaugh. I try to get both sides of the issue, although that has been more and more difficult as the years go by.

I am not a Trump supporter. I did not vote for him, nor did I vote for Hillary. I am not a Republican. I used to be a Democrat but am now Libertarian due to the party's steep decline. I am an American supporter, and am more embarrassed by the actions and speech of my own countrymen and women than I am of Trump's. Putting down your own country and agreeing with others who trash us is something that I will never understand or support.
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I am an American supporter, and am more embarrassed by the actions and speech of my own countrymen and women than I am of Trump's. Putting down your own country and agreeing with others who trash us is something that I will never understand or support.

Well, maybe you might want to start thinking about WHY others would want to "trash your country".

Not starting with the assumption that they are doing it just because they are pinko commie liberal godless heathen foreigners (or American citizens), but maybe because of, well, the behaviour exhibited by large parts of the population, and, since January, the official government, might help...
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