NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Trump lashes out at San Juan mayor who begged for more help
Democratic Rep. Bennie G. Thompson of Mississippi said the president's tweets "attacking the Puerto Rican people and the Mayor of San Juan are abhorrent, baseless, and are beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency. Although unsurprising and quite predictable, it is pathetic that the President has decided to attack - with the not so subtle veil of racism and sexism - those desperately begging for his help in their hour of need. "

From Donald Trump, a New Low
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Retired Lieutenant General: While Trump Golfs, San Juan’s Mayor Is ‘Living On A Cot’ | HuffPost

One Photo Stands Out After Trump Says Puerto Rico Wants 'Everything Done For Them'

"They want everything to be done for them."

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Trump Touts Relief Efforts In Puerto Rico: 'We've Saved A Lot Of Lives'
"Now I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack," Trump said jokingly at one point, "because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico, and that's fine. We've saved a lot of lives."
Current cost of Trump's golf weekends so far: $71,556,561 :brood: Despicable f*ckface.
So I guess Hurricane Maria wasn't a "real" catastrophe. Good to know. Every time I think this pathetic excuse for a human being can't go lower, he does. I am so overwhelmed with disgust, anger and sadness right now.

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday told officials in Puerto Rico that they should be proud that only 16 people died in Hurricane Maria, compared with the “thousands” killed in “a real catastrophe like Hurricane Katrina.”

Trump, in Puerto Rico, Compares Death Toll With ‘Real Catastrophe,’ Katrina’s
Trump in recent days has shown flashes of fury and left his aides, including White House chief of staff John F. Kelly, scrambling to manage his outbursts. He has been frustrated in particular with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was reported last week to have earlier called the president “a moron.” Trump’s Sunday morning Twitter tirade against Corker caught staffers by surprise, although the president had been brooding over the senator’s comment a few days earlier about Trump’s “chaos” endangering the nation.

One Trump confidant likened the president to a whistling teapot, saying that when he does not blow off steam he can turn into a pressure cooker and explode. “I think we are in pressure cooker territory,” said this person, who requested anonymity to speak candidly.

A ‘pressure cooker’: Trump’s frustration and fury rupture alliances, threaten agenda

This portrait of the president increasingly isolated in the capital city is based on interviews with 18 White House officials, outside advisers and other Trump associates.
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