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I love Bletchey circle. Pretty sure I've seen the first season. I'll have to go to Neflix. I f I watched it there - Netflix will know where I left off. uh oh. USA Netflix doesn't have Bletchley.

my library has them on DVD
one season of 8 episodes - I'm pretty sure I've seen that
A second season of 4 episodes. May have missed that.
And Bletchley Circle San Francisco - 8 episodes - I''m pretty sure I've seen that.

Oh, my library has all three on DVD. There is a way to check to see if I have checked them out. but it's cumbersome.
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I started watching "The Ark" which is a series on the SYFY channel. First two episodes pretty good so will keep watching it.
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For those of you who are CB Strike fans, Season 5 just dropped on HBO in the US. Its been on the BBC for a month. Strangely HBO is not promoting it at all. Could be some fall out from the Rowling controversy.

For those of you who don't know, CB Strike is the detective in a noire mystery novel. The latest book and show is titled Troubled Blood. JK Rowling wrote them under a psueudonym. They were tremendously successful and I loved them. They were then turned into a TV show on BBC and then picked up by HBO in the US. In a rare occurrence for me - I considered the adaption just about perfect, especially the casting. The NYT said, "It is an exemplary British mystery, which is a high distinction."

I started Trouble Blood tonight My memory is such crap. I couldn't have read the book more than two years ago and I can't remember whodunit. Well I guess I get to enjoy the mystery like I did the first time.

I went online to see how old the book is (2020), and discovered that another novel, Ink Black Heart, was published in 2022. I hadn't heard about it. So I put it on hold at the library.
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I love Bletchey circle. Pretty sure I've seen the first season. I'll have to go to Neflix. I f I watched it there - Netflix will know where I left off. uh oh. USA Netflix doesn't have Bletchley.

my library has them on DVD
one season of 8 episodes - I'm pretty sure I've seen that
A second season of 4 episodes. May have missed that.
And Bletchley Circle San Francisco - 8 episodes - I''m pretty sure I've seen that.

Oh, my library has all three on DVD. There is a way to check to see if I have checked them out. but it's cumbersome.

we watched the first two episodes of Season 2, last night, with two more to go - loving it still

only the San Francisco one is on Netflix, for us, the first 2 seasons are on Prime

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I watched The Piano (4 episodes) on Channel 4 last night and it was very entertaining. Amateur
pianists are asked to perform at different railways stations (St Pancras is the first one) in the UK in front of the public i.e. passengers. Little
do they know that they are being judged by two world renowned artists.

I was gobsmacked by most of the performers and I find the programme highly entertaining. A must for piano

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Something similar?
Dr K, on YouTube, has been filming people play piano in airports, malls, and translations for years. usually ends with a boogie boogie duet.

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I watched The Piano (4 episodes) on Channel 4 last night and it was very entertaining. Amateur
pianists are asked to perform at different railways stations (St Pancras is the first one) in the UK in front of the public i.e. passengers. Little
do they know that they are being judged by two world renowned artists.

I was gobsmacked by most of the performers and I find the programme highly entertaining. A must for piano

That sounds amazing - I will never forget spending a few hours in the Charlotte airport in North Carolina, years ago, and a young man came along and started playing the grand piano that was sitting there - it raised the vibration in the airport incredibly and that was long before smart phones and social media were there to record the event - my heart has never forgotten though.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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watched some more Outlander on Thursday night - I am having a real struggle with it... not liking it much (other than the sexy scenes)

last night we watched some more Bletchley Circle San Fran and that I am enjoying

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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That sounds amazing - I will never forget spending a few hours in the Charlotte airport in North Carolina, years ago, and a young man came along and started playing the grand piano that was sitting there - it raised the vibration in the airport incredibly and that was long before smart phones and social media were there to record the event - my heart has never forgotten though.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

That also sound nice indeed. At Brighton station, there is a piano and I've heard many talented amateur pianists whilst waiting for a train.

I can't wait to see the 2 nd episode of the series as all of the amateur pianists were outstanding. Can't wait to see who the winner will be.
watched some more Outlander on Thursday night - I am having a real struggle with it... not liking it much (other than the sexy scenes)

last night we watched some more Bletchley Circle San Fran and that I am enjoying

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I started the Outlander books but quickly got tired of them. IMHO they were just fancy historical romances.*I thought I would like them because of the time travel. I don't think I ever watched any of the episodes on TV. But maybe.... sexy scenes, you say. ;)

I just checked out from the library all three seasons of Bletchley Circle. I'm sure I've seen the first and third season. I'm not so sure about the second. But I remember so little about the first season - except that I loved it - I think I'll do a rewatch of the first before I start the second. Then I will decide if I want to rewatch the third.

Meanwhile, so many people have recommended The Extraordiary Attorney Woo. It isn't the type of TV show I like but I decided to give it a try. Now I'm addicted to it and binging it. However now I'm losing interest in it , so I am going to start limiting my intake. Maybe just one episode a day. Besides I have all the Bletchley Circle seasons now.

* Fun fact: the early adopters of e-book and e-readers were not who you might think they were. It turns out that the biggest demand for e-books was in the romance category. It was middle aged women commuters (on trains and buses) who were the biggest consumers. on the train, those racy covers were embarrassing .
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I started watching Mare of EastTown starring Kate Winslet. Seems quite good so far.
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I started the Outlander .... sexy scenes, you say. ;)

all three seasons of Bletchley Circle.

The Extraordiary Attorney Woo. It isn't the type of TV show I like but I decided to give it a try. Now I'm addicted to it and binging it. However now I'm losing interest in it , so I am going to start limiting my intake. Maybe just one episode a day. Besides I have all the Bletchley Circle seasons now.

* Fun fact: the early adopters of e-book and e-readers were not who you might think they were. It turns out that the biggest demand for e-books was in the romance category. It was middle aged women commuters (on trains and buses) who were the biggest consumers. on the train, those racy covers were embarrassing .

yes, it is nice to look at Jamie ....

2 more episodes of Bletchley last night - so 2 more to go - that will be enough for me

I love Woo, however, my honey finds it hard to watch shows with subtitles - and it is especially difficult to eat and watch a show like that, so I have only watched the first few episodes.

*** fun fact: thank goodness for Covid or I would never have realized how many racy books were out there 😉

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
yes, it is nice to look at Jamie ....

Who? oh I googled him. he looks just like the guy on the cover of the book. except he has more clothes on.
2 more episodes of Bletchley last night - so 2 more to go - that will be enough for me
I watched S1E1, last night. The DVDS are set up different than I thought they would be. the first DVD has only 3 episodes. The second DVD, labeled season 2, has eight.
I love Woo, however, my honey finds it hard to watch shows with subtitles - and it is especially difficult to eat and watch a show like that, so I have only watched the first few episodes.

Maybe that is why I took so long in watching it. but Netflix USA has a dubbed version. I'm not a big fan of dubbed movies. For the last couple of years I have been watching everything with subtitles. I hate going back when I miss something that was said.

I do have some issues with how they portray autism. but at least they are trying which is better than most TV shows. Also except for the regulars, the acting is pretty bad. but maybe that has something to do with the dubbing.
*** fun fact: thank goodness for Covid
Don't think I have ever heard that phrase before.
or I would never have realized how many racy books were out there 😉
not sure what that means. Because you got to read at home and not on a train?
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Who? oh I googled him. he looks just like the guy on the cover of the book. except he has more clothes on.

not sure what that means. Because you got to read at home and not on a train?


No, because there are books/authors online (at the library) that I didn't even know existed and would never have picked up at the library in person even if they did have them in hard/soft back.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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No, because there are books/authors online (at the library) that I didn't even know existed and would never have picked up at the library in person even if they did have them in hard/soft back.
I don't think you've ever mentioned in here any romances. Guilty pleasure? or maybe I just didn't recognize a title as such.

CJ Archer who combines romances with either fantasy or mystery is my guilty pleasure. but her covers aren't anything to be embarrassed about. :)
not guilty pleasure for sure!

we started watching Physical 100 last night and had a hard time turning it off - I have always loved "survivor type" shows - a bit like Squid Game only no one dies

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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watched more of Physical 100 last night - it is very interesting - one 1.5 hour episode left - a season 2 is being considered but not yet announced

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.