I've fought against suggesting to you to be less restrictive! You have issues with health that you do so very much to overcome. I don't know anyone more committed to personal responsibility than you, you've never put blame on others, used them as a crutch, and your drive to maintain a strict exercise and diet are remarkable. I don't know how anyone does that without feeling like they're going to crack
I see people as omnivorous. I don't say that to mean we should eat, or use animals, only that we have the ability to eat according to our needs and surroundings. We are animals. We have a lifestyle of mechanized comfort, and meat and other products do harm to us in every way, as well as the animals we use. We don't need to use animals the way that is allowed, but using animals for NEEDS does not require that kind of treatment. A dog to help a disabled person. A sheep naturally sheared. A cows milk taken for need is not harmed.
(Do you remember Earthling? AKA (?) She was vegan, moved to India and worked on an Ahimsa dairy)
I'd never question or judge a persons decision to use animal derived products if it means improving their life when I know they understand that decision. For you to include dairy for your health is a well thought through decision. I don't question it at all
Being OCD is never limited to one area. Fear of contributing to suffering can lead many to bring suffering to themselves. For you to chose to incorporate dairy in your life I think is a wise choice--whether you do, or don't. Allowing yourself to put yourself first is a very healthy decision. The ability for you to say " I am freeing myself of a self imposed prison of fear" is a good thing. YOU are worthy.
To continue to deny yourself of foods that can help you I see as the same as taking prey from a tiger. Life is not black or white. There is no perfect vegan, in fact, I believe you're a better vegan even with dairy! Vegan is about caring about life on this planet and doing the least harm. No one, no person, no animal, lives without affecting other life
You don't need to say any more, you don't need to feel you should 'come clean', or worry about being hypocritical. I think it's more hypocritical for you to neglect yourself. You're such a great inspiration! And a great role model.
If people, esp anyone here (or there

!) don't understand it, or chatize you about it, they're not worth your time. I know this is a hard thing for you, and you're judging yourself harshly. Please! Be proud of yourself! You've done so much good, and saying that you feel a need to put some dairy in your diet, not just that you think you need the nutrition, but you need the release from obsession. You don't need to answer to anyone but yourself, but I do hope the vegan group you've been in is "vegan" enough to understand!
I was worried about you, and I'm so glad you're back!