So it doesn't stay in your stomach forever?
I like swallowing gum idk why
I hope it's beer, 'cause that's the only alcohol I ingest.
How would it make sense to give a teen/kid a felony charge for sexting naked pictures of themselves to people their age? If you're 18 it's ok but if you're 17 you get charged for child porn and have to register as a sex offender...? How is this protecting the kids when you ruin their life? Shouldn't child porn laws be about protecting kids from being exploited by adults - not to ruin some kid's life over sending a self taken nude photo to his girlfriend?
This should perhaps go in a "weird questions" thread, but I'm curious if natural redheads have red body hair as well? (I would google it if I wasn't at work ...) This question popped into my head while in a really boring meeting, and I was trying to figure out a way to stay awake.
Edit: I don't think natural blonde people have blonde body hair ...?