The Weather.

Really bad bus accident in Madison. Ten ambulances lined up to take the injured to the hospital. Apparently it flipped over and some people are trapped. [emoji45]
Is that Madison, CT? Yikes! The snow hasn't let up yet, and it should have by now. The drive home is going to be icky.
Thanks, KLS. :( I heard more about the accident on the radio. They said 95 was shut down for four hours and that everyone was expected to survive. How scary, though. At the time, there was just a coating on the ground. We have another 4 inches of snow. Did you get any, KLS? I hope so.
I got a little over an inch. Almost not worth it, lol. It was kind of nice, though, to be looking out of the window all day and see it coming down. It's kind of odd that we don't have more of an accumulation seeing how it snowed all day.

I took the back road home which was probably not a good idea. It's less traveled, very windy and narrow in spots so I had a couple of white knuckle moments. But probably because I tend to be overly cautious. This is the road I had my accident on a few years back. I had the Subaru at the time and it had been doing really well on snowy roads. I think I got over confident and ended up nose down in a ditch. Very interesting experience, lol.
I never had a problem driving in bad weather until the accident. It was kind of crazy. I think it was 2009/2010. Now I don't even like driving in the rain.
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I worry more about the other drivers because I'm super cautious in the bad weather. I always have to put on my flashers so as not to annoy other faster drivers. I get very nervous driving in the bad weather. I, too, have been in the ditch, KLS. I had a Datsun hatchback back in the day and was taking a back road to a meeting I had to cover for the newspaper I was working for. The road had a lot of slush and apparently some ice because I did a 360 in the middle of the road and ended up on the side of the road in a ditch. Very scary.
We've had some snow showers, but not very much accumulation, maybe an inch or so. I wish it would snow during our not-so-busy week because then I could work from home. :)
We need to get together for our birthday!! Except it might snow, hahaha, and I won't want to drive ;).
Today it is wicked windy and wicked cold. Is it spring yet?? :D
Yes we do, and I am going to make sure it just might take a couple of weeks, lol.
If we can't work out ION, have you ever been to the Shoreline Diner and Vegetarian Enclave? If it's not too far for you (it's about an hour and 20 min for me) we could meet there. They have some vegan options and a Napoleon dessert that is to die for.

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