The Weather.

Can't believe it was almost 40 degrees F today in NE Minnesota. And it rained all day. The whole city is like an ice rink right now. The snow is hard as a rock and it is icy from freezing and thawing over and over. Ugh. My partner and I were going to snowshoe today but we had to cancel due to the rain. Next weekend I have four days off and we are going to do a day snowshoe trip into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness up north. However, if the weather keeps up like this we might just spend the entire time hanging out at the hotel and in the whirlpool, which I am not objecting to.
Wet snow changing to freezing rain then just rain. Yippee. Worst winter ever. I hope this won't be a pattern for the next few years. I seem to recall that happening every so often.

On the flip side, I enjoyed not freezing my butt off for weeks on end. The 40-50 degree days have been nice.

Seems I will never be satisfied with regard to weather, lol. Maybe I could be happier if it snowed two feet at 50 degrees, hahaha.

I was driving home from work last night and was thinking, how weird that the lakes were barely frozen over and there were only a few days where there was actually snow on the ground. The last two years were so opposite.

I do not get ice fishermen. Parts of the lakes are not frozen at all, yet they still risk going out there. I suppose they know what they're doing, as I've never hear of anyone falling in.
Scary thunder and lightening! Woke me up and now I can't fall back to sleep.
Wahhh!!! It's REALLY scary now. I was being half dramatic in my previous post but it's ten times worse now. I keep waiting for the "freight train" but every time the wind blows it kinda sounds like that. I want get out of bed but too scared to move. Stuff is blowing around out there.

See, plain old snow would be so much better than this sh*t.
Thanks, ledboots.

It's not like I live in tornado country or anything. I'm just paranoid, lol. Although, one did pass through here the year before I moved here, about 21 years ago. I have two huuuuuge pine trees right outside my bedroom window. I'm always scared of them falling.

I'm watching the news now...NJ got hit hard...downed trees and power lines.
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It's been lovely here the past two days, frosty and sparkly in the mornings, as well as being sunny with blue skies.

Wahhh!!! It's REALLY scary now. I was being half dramatic in my previous post but it's ten times worse now. I keep waiting for the "freight train" but every time the wind blows it kinda sounds like that. I want get out of bed but too scared to move. Stuff is blowing around out there.

See, plain old snow would be so much better than this sh*t.

it is 18c in my flat; it was around 16 earlier...I really do prefer cloudy, but warm, to bright and cold.....bring on the clouds, bring on the clouds.....:/
Clouds are beautiful. I like it when there is a mix of clouds and sun.
It's blustery today, but it's sunny. The day started out warm and rainy, though. Weird weather day. :D
It's going to hit 50F today. And it's nice and sunny. Once we turn the clocks ahead, I can start walking after work once in a while. :)
yay, some cloud cover...stay stay.

I'll be sure to send them your way.:p
Clouds are beautiful. I like it when there is a mix of clouds and sun.


It's going to hit 50F today. And it's nice and sunny. Once we turn the clocks ahead, I can start walking after work once in a while. :)

Where do you go for a walk ? I have a park in the neighbourhood but it's not a very nice one. Furthermore, there are very few people who go there so I don't always feel safe.