Yesterday was so bizarre here in NE Minnesota. The temperature kept climbing all day, til it reached...I kid you not...95 degrees F. IN EARLY MAY! It was a record high for here. It didn't last though. Just as I left work to go to the store, the skies darkened and menacing clouds moved in. Thunder and lighting ripped through the sky and a tremendous downpour was unleashed. I was soaked to the bone! It was a cold windy rain too, and thick raindrops, and of course I couldn't run due to my rib injury. The lights in the store went out and we all shopped by emergency lights. I left the store and there was several inches of water to wade through in the parking lot. It was scary. By the time I got home just fifteen minutes later the sun was back out and no wind, but it was a little cooler. And there had to be at least a hundred seagulls flying irratically in the sky, crying and carrying on. All the birds in my neighborhood were acting crazy and wild. The robins, sparrows, black birds, all carrying on and flying maniacally from tree to tree. I think they were as excited and weirded out as I was!