The Weather.

Rain rain then more rain....:rolleyes: No storms, just constant rain.....
I'd so love to walk in the woods with the gorgeous leaves! :pout:. Been raining since they've changed!
All between low 40's and 50's. Same for weekend :argh:
Rain for us, today. It started yesterday afternoon and will continue through late afternoon. It’s been too warm the last few days. Tomorrow will be sunny and cooler, though. But looks like an unsettled pattern over the next two weeks with periods of rain and a few nice days thrown in between.
Yesterday, I was in New Jersey for a concert and it was 75 degrees!! Crazy weather for November. Apparently there were tornado warnings about 50 miles south of where we were. It rained a lot. Today was blustery and more fall-like.
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Saturday turned out nicer than expected. It was supposed to rain most of the day and we had bright sunshine for awhile but that did get very windy which made it feel cold. Still better than rain!
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Booooo to 62 on Tuesday. The rest is good, though.

There is something very wrong with Accuweather.... LMAO :confused:

Now, Yahoo weather says it's currently 39° F and that strong, bitter wind brings the temp down to 30°....

Here's what Accuweather says:

upload_2018-11-7_16-25-0.png :weird: Nope. Definitely not accurate. :rofl:
We had some torrential rain today which cleared up just in time for my lunch walk. I felt a bit brave as it would have been a miserable rest of the day for me if I had been caught in a second episode of heavy rain, but seeing the sun felt reassuring, so I went for it.

Other than that I feel like it's milder than November ought to be like around these parts.
Nearly freezing rain tonight on the way home.... The U.P. is getting snow by this weekend, so it shouldn't be too long before that crap hits us. :brood: