The Weather.

We had another blizzard. At least this one was all snow and no freezing rain. :p

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It's just cold. Last week we had such extreme high winds! I hate winds! Gives me such anxiety.
It's just cold. Last week we had such extreme high winds! I hate winds! Gives me such anxiety.
Ouch!:hug: ...I usually don't mind strong winds, unless they knock me off my feet, which frequently happens to other people in the North-West, where we live. (But i have my stick and my heavy weight, so i'm more sustainable).:p
21°F.:sigh: And in the evening it's going to be 5°F.:yuck: But it's sunny, and maybe i'll go for a walk earlier and see the daylight.:p
There is something seriously wrong with our weather people. This has been going on all Winter and we end up with a dusting like the photo above. You’re talking 7-13 inches predicted over the course of the next three days. I can’t wait until I can come back Monday and laugh (but really I’ll be crying inside) about what actually happened. :lol:

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In all fairness, I guess it’s just that the atmosphere is so unsettled, that it changes constantly. But with four models, I still feel like they should have a better handle on things. It’s as if the more tools they have, the harder it’s getting to forecast. I should google “why weather people suck at their jobs” and see what I come up with. I do find the subject fascinating.
It's going to be 17°C later on. It's overcast but the forecast says that it's meant to be sunny.
As the wind has died down, hopefully the pollen count will diminish.
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There is something seriously wrong with our weather people. This has been going on all Winter and we end up with a dusting like the photo above. You’re talking 7-13 inches predicted over the course of the next three days. I can’t wait until I can come back Monday and laugh (but really I’ll be crying inside) about what actually happened. :lol:

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This has been the weirdest winter in that regard. Even the usually reliable Southern Connecticut weather people have been off on every prediction. I'm in New Jersey right now pet sitting, and we're supposed to get 5 to 7 inches of snow. I'll believe it when I see it!
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This has been the weirdest winter in that regard. Even the usually reliable Southern Connecticut weather people have been off on every prediction. I'm in New Jersey right now pet sitting, and we're supposed to get 5 to 7 inches of snow. I'll believe it when I see it!
We got more snow than I expected overnight. I think it might still be coming down out there, but I haven't gotten the nerve to look outside this early in the morning.
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We got more snow than I expected overnight. I think it might still be coming down out there, but I haven't gotten the nerve to look outside this early in the morning.
Apparently my town got about a foot, which also was more than expected. I'm actually in Jersey pet sitting, and not much fell. It was mostly rain.
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They say, SPb is being hit by "Bennet" snowstorm (from the Atlantic). It never stopped snowing, we have many road accidents and jams. The only thing that riles me up is that when it ends up, there will be knee-high porridge on the roads and pavements. I'll be limping over the snowdrifts again. I don't mind snowdrifts, if they are somewhere on a sideroad, but when you can't get to your bus stop,- it's too much.:mad:
I love how it’s supposed to get into the upper 70’s by the weekend, but on the first day of spring next week, it’s going to be about 55 degrees with a couple of possible showers. :p Ah, well, the warm-up is basically a sneak preview of warmer spring weather. I’m going out shopping this morning, and I’m trying to figure out what to wear today that either won’t make me sweat or make me shiver. :rolleyes: I’m used to just pulling on a heavy pullover sweater and a vest, and grabbing a warm fleece jacket. I’m trying to adjust to different sartorial choices with the coming of warmer weather. :p
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