The Weather.

86°F + horrendous humidity.:yuck: No wonder, that the so-called doctor in the commercial clinic said: "You say you have COPD? So what?? Everyone has COPD now! What did you expect,- living in such a swampy climate??"
I looked at that woman in silence and thought: "F*** off!"
More and more rain! And it's only 65 F! Too chilly for June. Definitely too wet!
I need some beach. I still have plenty of vaca days, I will plan wisely.
If it were 86F I'd love to be at the beach! :hottub:
Can't wait! It's raining, in the 60's, and grey--again...
That's annoying. 😕 I'm tired of the heat.🥵
I would gladly take heat over rain if it were sunny. :( Of course, I would probably spend all of the time indoors with the A/C but oh well. :D
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Of course, I would probably spend all of time indoorswith the A/C but oh well. :D
That's what i'm doing (approximately): just have crawled into the flat, pulled the blinds down, and getting ready to take a cold shower. (Ok, maybe not that cold, but the colder - the better, haha).🥵🤯🛀🚿🥶
We’re have a really bad downpour for the third time today.
I just woke up and guess’s pouring outside. I’m afraid to check my basement. ☹️