This isn’t really weather, but I had my scariest experience yet with quicksand today!
I took the dog to the beach as usual. It was freeeeezing cold. As we walked towards the water, I saw a small tidal pool next to the jetty, about five rocks up from the surf. I thought, “Woah! A tidal pool on a sand beach! You don’t see that very often!” and I went to check it out.
I didn’t notice that the sand beside the tidal pool was wet. I took one step and sunk really quickly. It sucked me just past my knees, but I got out by leaning sideways and grabbing at the dryer sand.
I have no idea how deep it was and how far I would have sunk if I had stayed still.
It must have looked pretty funny. To see someone suddenly engulfed in sand, rolling around, trying to get out.
But there was no one there. It was so cold and windy, the beach was deserted.
I’m going to be more careful now. I had never been sucked in so fast by quicksand before. I’d only experienced the shallow kind that you find while wading on sandbars.