The Weather.

8°C It feels more like 12 or 13 °C
Whoa! That's cold! :hug:

Is that typical for where you live?
we are getting wave after wave of cold front bands of rain. This is what happened in 2007 and all that trouble with flooding. Still we got that last year. The river next to me was really high.Untitled.jpg
Half a foot, 5 degrees and the snow and the temperature are still both dropping.
I wish I could send it all your way KLS!
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Me too! It's definitely freezing cold but we barely have an inch. It's starting to wind up now, though. I still can't believe this warrants all the hype. It used to snow better than this when I was growing up and even when my kids were younger.

They are shutting down major highways between midnight and 5am. I guess in all fairness it's more about the wind and blowing snow which will cause blizzard conditions than the actual amount of snow that will accumulate.

It's 4:30 am here and I don't think we have four yet. I guess I'll be happy there will be less to shovel. Unless it continues but it should be tapering off now.
Two hour work delay. That's always nice. I took the day off but maybe I'll go in.
Howling gale, hail, sleet, torrential rain, thunder and lightning. Don't think I'll be going outside today.

Definitely stay indoors! That sounds horrible.

It's lovely and sunny here today.:D

Trade you my foot of snow and -12 degree weather?

Two hour work delay. That's always nice. I took the day off but maybe I'll go in.

Be careful if you do go in. I'm sure the roads there are terrible with the gusty winds, drifting snow, and ice.

The sun is deceptive here. It's bright and shiny , but its dangerously cold still.
It's cold. It was -9 yesterday morning, and today it warmed up to plus-9. I want to go for a walk, but dang, 9 is cold. It's supposed to get up to the 30s, but rain/sleet will accompany the warm-up. Inside workout for today.
This weather is crazy. Today's high was 36F. Tomorrow morning (Monday) it will start out at 46F and drop to 35F during the day. Overnight tomorrow the low will be 6F. Tuesdays high will be 10F. It's nutty.