It's impossible. The way online news is set up now, people will get news that is slanted towards their own views. You know how you check out some vegan shoes in an online store and suddenly every popup, every new email advertisement, is for vegan shoes similar to the ones you looked at. Same for politics.Mod Post: Please keep in mind that the Trumpism thread is for high brow discussion. Articles, especially opinion articles, that are designed to evoke strong emotions in the reader, are not appropriate for this thread. Please post those types of articles in the other Trump thread.
I did an experiment, signed up for 2 Youtube accounts on different devices and throwaway email addys. On one account, I watched three FoxNews reports, things about politics, but not far far right stuff. Under "suggested" videos, all this really far right stuff popped up, way more out there than Foxnews. Pizzagate type stuff.
The second YouTube, I watched three MSNBC reports, one Rachel Maddow and 2 news reports. Under suggested videos there popped up very far left stuff, way more out there than MSNBC. I think the advertisers, by "targeting" people's "interests" and predicting other interests, are dividing us into camps, where one camp calls the president Cheeto Dampnuts, and the other screams SJW at everyone who disagrees with him. What really freaked me out was that the suggested videos on both accounts were violent, filled with lies, and very polarizing.
Give me my tin foil bonnet, but I believe that the real danger in the country is not the president, but the dividing of the nation. Divide, then conquer ,by the 1%, while we are busy kvetching.
Don't fall for it. Posting link after link and tweet after tweet, not talking to friends and family because they have differing political views, and mocking others, just divides the nation more. I love my country and have never seen people so easily blinded.
Sorry if this is off-topic, feel free to delete it if it breaks any rules.