Health Issues Urine therapy

Why do you think they're wrong? Have you had other symptoms; unexplained weight loss, continuous abdominal pain, anemia?
You are young, arent you? Relax. Your chance of colon cancer is very low; it is almost always hemorrhoids in a young person (or someone who ate a lot of beets and thinks it is blood lol). Plus vegetarians are super low risk, if you also don't drink alcohol or use tobacco, you have pretty good odds.

I know cancer worries can be overwhelming. While in nursing school, I thought I had symptoms of everything I learned about! ;)
I'm 32. The biggest problem I've had is pain in my leg, arm, shoulder, and wrist. One day I'll have pain in one body part. The next day I'll have pain in another body part. Neither doctor had any explanation for this. I've had blurry vision at times too. From what I've read both are a sign of Cancer in its later stages. The doctors are much smarter than I am, but they're not right 100% of the time. I started taking Paw Paw around one month ago, and I've been feeling much better lately. I hope that's a good sign.
If you read about this online, its easy to jump to the cancer conclusion.I read up about Migraines online and was convined i had a brain tumour

Im not saying all cancer is the same but I think that if you were in the late stages of cancer you'd know about. Not that Im a Doctor but I have personally cared for someone in the late stages of cancer till the end as well as been around others in similar stages. There is no mistaking the 'symptoms' in my experience.
My partner has stomach problems like you mentioned and also pains and blurry vision from time to time. He just doesnt eat the right stuff (hes not veggie either) He was diagnosed with Virtigo(not a fear of heights as people thnk it is) which also added to his stomach trouble and also has joint problems which cause the pains in his wrists, knees, back, fingers, elbows and shoulders. What Im trying to say is different pains can be that, and not mean they are all linked to one bigger problem. Try not to get ahead of yourself and if you feel you are not getting answers, try somewhere else or find a way to get more tests.
Do not worry, stress is not a good thing to add to medical problems.
I'm 32. The biggest problem I've had is pain in my leg, arm, shoulder, and wrist. One day I'll have pain in one body part. The next day I'll have pain in another body part. Neither doctor had any explanation for this. I've had blurry vision at times too. From what I've read both are a sign of Cancer in its later stages. The doctors are much smarter than I am, but they're not right 100% of the time. I started taking Paw Paw around one month ago, and I've been feeling much better lately. I hope that's a good sign.

Is it always the same side that you have the pain? Do you use that side the most often? Have you been to an eye dr about your blurry vision? Do you wear contacts or glasses? It could be your prescription changing.

Doctors **** up and misdiagnose people all the time, but if you were in the later stages of cancer I would assume they would've discovered that even if they didn't do a lot of tests.

Have you checked free sceenings? I think you have to be a certain age, but maybe they make some exceptions.
Well, I hope you are wrong, rainforest. :hug: Checking for free cancer screenings is an excellent idea. I also think if the you have pain that travels from place to place it is a good sign and most likely isn't anything too serious. Of course, I have no medical degree, either, so this is just my opinion based on my own personal experiences.
My friend's brother is in advanced stages of bowel cancer at the moment and he doesn't have those symptoms but I know he did ignore the early symptoms so I think it's good that you are aware of your body. Someone in my husband's family was fobbed off by her doctor and then had to have part of her bowel removed when they finally took her seriously and gave her a colonoscopy so doctors do mess up. Both of these people were far older than you though. I would agree with the others that you should push for more tests if you aren't feeling well.
Are you in the US? Soon colonoscopies should be covered with no copay under the new laws, as well as a complete physical exam (don't know if labs are included.) Did your doc recommend tests you can't afford?
Are you in the US? Soon colonoscopies should be covered with no copay under the new laws, as well as a complete physical exam

This applies to people with insurance, but doesn't provide for those like Rainforests who don't have it. :(

Rainforests, I truly hope you do not have cancer, and that you might be able to find somewhere that provides free cancer screening so you can get peace of mind. There are other illnesses that could be causing your symptoms. Like Alice said, it could be a couple of unrelated things that seem to "add up" to cancer.

It can be difficult when you're unable to get medical care, but please remember that "Dr. Google" doesn't have all the answers, and sometimes provides information that is completely inapplicable to you, is outdated, or is just plain wrong.
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If your doctor recommended a colonoscopy, there is a program called Colonoscopy Assist where you can get one for $950 all inclusive; it is in many US cities now.

That's still A LOT of money. :( Guess it's better than the normal price, but it still isn't feasible for some people. It sucks that possibly life saving tests and procedures are so damn expensive.
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That's still A LOT of money. :( Guess it's better than the normal price, but it still isn't feasible for some people. It sucks that possibly life saving tests and procedures are so damn expensive.

It certainly is difficult for us Europeans to understand the system in the US. I would have thought that if someone
wasn't insured and was in need of a vital test or operation, that the State would pay for it. Surely people can't be left without any help if they are in need of it ?
One of the doctors recommended a colonoscopy, but didn't say much else. The obvious problem is the blood in the feces. This limits it to Cancer or hemorrhoids. Are there any other illnesses associated with blood in the feces? I'll look into the free screening.
One of the doctors recommended a colonoscopy, but didn't say much else. The obvious problem is the blood in the feces. This limits it to Cancer or hemorrhoids. Are there any other illnesses associated with blood in the feces? I'll look into the free screening.
Is the blood bright red? (Indicates it comes from toward the end of the digestive tract, often from hemorrhoids.) Is the blood dark black like coffee grounds? (Indicates it is from farther up, like the stomach.)

A short list of reasons for blood in the stool besides cancer include straining at stool, Anal fissures, Colon polyps, Crohn's disease, Gastritis, Intestinal ischemia, Peptic ulcers, Ulcerative colitis and lots of others I can't think of.

Since your doc recommended a colonoscopy, you should probably get one. At your age, colon cancer would be rare, but you may have polyps that can turn cancerous years down the road. You are most likely fine, but I understand the anxiety. ((Hugs))
I know you said you had a normal blood test result...did you have a fecal occult blood test where they actually test the feces for microscopic blood: "When doctors test for fecal occult blood they are testing for the presence of microscopic or invisible blood in the stool, or feces. Fecal occult blood can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as a growth, or polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum. If microscopic blood is detected, it is important for your doctor to determine the source of bleeding to properly diagnose and treat the problem."

I'm pretty sure the cost is not prohibitive for this kind of test. And it's easy to do. Maybe you can check into this as well if it's not something you've already had done.
I've had two instances where I've seen a lot of blood with my stool. I'd say it was the normal color of blood. The other instances the feces goes into the hole and isn't visible unless I touch it. The toilet paper will come out red so I can tell there's blood. It's hard to say much about that though. Oddly I've learned more from this thread than I did from my doctors. Thanks guys.
Please don't waste your time with urine therapy. If you have blood in your stools decrease your insoluble fiber intake, which comes from grains, and increase your soluble fiber intake, which comes from fruits, vegetables, and beans. Drink lots more water than you already are drinking. Almost everyone I tell to drink more water argues with me and says they drink plenty, but they seem to be in denial.

Increase your magnesium intake for these mysterious pains. Almost everyone is deficient in magnesium, and it gets no press because milk is not a good source of it. The kind of pain you describe is often caused by low magnesium and low vitamin D, so checking your vitamin D levels is also a good idea.

I hope you start to feel better soon.