Vegan pet foods

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Plenty vegan healthy long lived cats around

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My perfect vegan cat vet blood test

No need to kill for a preferred pet

I have both a cat and a dog and I personally think that as cats are obligate carnivores that they shouldn't be vegan but dogs on the other hand I would consider. It seems to me that to avoid this issue you should just buy a vegan pet (like a tortoise, so cute) but then that would mean that more cats and dogs would be left I shelters and ultimately put down. Its a complex issue >< but seriously tortoises are adorable
Do not lecture what to get or who to kill to a vegan like I am

Animals are not ours to breed and kill if a vegan
Since you brought that up for me, I wasn't there to see it, and I wouldn't think you were. So unless you have good documentation of witnesses' accounts, I would not presume cats were not predatory to smaller animals throughout that time. Any scraps might have gone to them in the in between times, but nobody (and I don't mean you) would be stopping the cats from catching undesirable rodents.

There is no "less slaughter", but you pay those who slaughter, with the demand for the animal slaughter byproducts which are deemed unfit for human consumption (so how good are they for animals eating those? I can tell you, they are not good for them), when entrails, skin, nasal tissue, and anuses are all good enough for human consumption, which we have had if we were ever eating meat hot dogs.

Since you brought up to me whatever I believe in, I believe God did not ever make any mistakes and everything was perfect, but there was the fall with which we always do things wrong and our world is under a growing curse from those things. We do not have to keep contributing to that, though, if we repent to turn from such.

I became vegan years ago understanding that it should be with being antispeciesist. Now though there are speciesists who will call themselves vegan. I can't be sure that is wrong but it concerns me. I think the slaughter of animals should stop, some vegans now don't want that?

No, that is not right, cats, and dogs, well, all animals, need protein, the protein they need does not have to be meat as long as it is the protein they actually need. So cats need protein that is with taurine and a few other things that are really essential to them, vegan cat food with those things is fully adequate for them, and in ways healthier than the horrible offal from slaughtered animals that is not fit for human consumption but that the slaughter businesses know they still get paid for selling that stuff with the demand for it from those such as you who pay for that. I wouldn't want to pay the slaughter industry one penny.
Cats learned to live beside humans and vis
Since you brought that up for me, I wasn't there to see it, and I wouldn't think you were. So unless you have good documentation of witnesses' accounts, I would not presume cats were not predatory to smaller animals throughout that time. Any scraps might have gone to them in the in between times, but nobody (and I don't mean you) would be stopping the cats from catching undesirable rodents.

There is no "less slaughter", but you pay those who slaughter, with the demand for the animal slaughter byproducts which are deemed unfit for human consumption (so how good are they for animals eating those? I can tell you, they are not good for them), when entrails, skin, nasal tissue, and anuses are all good enough for human consumption, which we have had if we were ever eating meat hot dogs.

Since you brought up to me whatever I believe in, I believe God did not ever make any mistakes and everything was perfect, but there was the fall with which we always do things wrong and our world is under a growing curse from those things. We do not have to keep contributing to that, though, if we repent to turn from such.

I became vegan years ago understanding that it should be with being antispeciesist. Now though there are speciesists who will call themselves vegan. I can't be sure that is wrong but it concerns me. I think the slaughter of animals should stop, some vegans now don't want that?

No, that is not right, cats, and dogs, well, all animals, need protein, the protein they need does not have to be meat as long as it is the protein they actually need. So cats need protein that is with taurine and a few other things that are really essential to them, vegan cat food with those things is fully adequate for them, and in ways healthier than the horrible offal from slaughtered animals that is not fit for human consumption but that the slaughter businesses know they still get paid for selling that stuff with the demand for it from those such as you who pay for that. I wouldn't want to pay the slaughter industry one penny.

Cats learned a mutual benifit from living beside humans, and vice versa. When we began to domesticate plants we had to store them. Then came small mammals attracted to our storage. Then cats learned to farm those small mammals and hence the partnership began. Cats were never domesticated the way other animals were
Cats learned to live beside humans and vis

Cats learned a mutual benifit from living beside humans, and vice versa. When we began to domesticate plants we had to store them. Then came small mammals attracted to our storage. Then cats learned to farm those small mammals and hence the partnership began. Cats were never domesticated the way other animals were

wishful thinking. we do not have any idea what goes on in the minds of other animals. FOOD is the biggest attraction of any animal it is common sense that since humans provided food to animals like cats or any domesticated animals they learned to live with us.

that is no different to any other animal species. food. was the motivator imho and common sense. the relationship we create easily after that use of our control over them is what we create. it is not natural...except that food is natural to eat.
wishful thinking. we do not have any idea what goes on in the minds of other animals. FOOD is the biggest attraction of any animal it is common sense that since humans provided food to animals like cats or any domesticated animals they learned to live with us.

that is no different to any other animal species. food. was the motivator imho and common sense. the relationship we create easily after that use of our control over them is what we create. it is not natural...except that food is natural to eat.
put it another way...

if we stop feeding animals...they go away to look for food.

ps cats do not "farm" mice lol...wrong use of words. they hunt them. there is no animal other than humans that farms animals lol.

end of the point.
What vegan options are even out there for a cat? As the OP said, cats are obligate carnivores and I even though myself and my family are in the process of transitioning to fully fledged veganism, I don't know how we could bring the cat along with us. Her wet cat food is basically JUST meat :(
We currently feed this wet cat food alongside some dry. I believe existing on a diet of just dry cat food is detrimental to the health of the cat :rolleyes: but I saw a brand named Benevo which promises is vegan. Anyone tried this?
It is important for the cats to be hydrated adequately. With the way they prefer to drink, a fountain of running water for their drink is ideal for them.
Cats learned to live beside humans and vis

Cats learned a mutual benifit from living beside humans, and vice versa. When we began to domesticate plants we had to store them. Then came small mammals attracted to our storage. Then cats learned to farm those small mammals and hence the partnership began. Cats were never domesticated the way other animals were.

I would not call that farming either, such cats were just naturally drawn to be around where small animals were concentrated at, and through time were more accustomed to human people who were around, who certainly appreciated them. The people might have eventually treated them, but to encourage them to stay, not to spoil their appetite to not pursue vermin anymore.

What vegan options are even out there for a cat? As the OP said, cats are obligate carnivores and I even though myself and my family are in the process of transitioning to fully fledged veganism, I don't know how we could bring the cat along with us. Her wet cat food is basically JUST meat.

For veganism of my understanding I advocate for not being speciesist. Using parts of some animals that were slaughtered for the demand of the products for feeding other animals is yet speciesist. The only way out from that is not taking care of feeding animals that eat meat in one's care (which pretty much means letting them go, and if they are living as wild animals and not fed by other people buying the products of slaughtered animals for them they would attack other animals that they can, to eat), or finding the plant-based per food with the nutrients they need. It is an error to say they need meat when the truth is that they need the essential nutrients. Those plant-based pet foods are found online, and good ones already shown in this thread.
Ps I have done posts with plenty links on this topic

Plenty vegan Fed cats and dogs around.

Animals lives are not ours to take is what being vegan is about.
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I have 3 dogs and they get a nice raw diet, the best food they can have! Just because i eat plant based, doesnt mean my dogs have to do that. They thrive on this food :)
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Pet nutrition is a matter of health - of life and death, really.

Please do not make claims without also presenting supporting evidence from a reputable source. We need well-substantiated facts on this, not personal opinions and rants.
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Pet nutrition is a matter of health - of life and death, really.

Please do not make claims without also presenting supporting evidence from a reputable source. We need well-substantiated facts on this, not personal opinions and rants.

Please do not suggest breeding and killing animals in a vegan group to vegans.

Is the most important point.

No one needs rants about killing animals

I also suggest you understand that there are laws...about species appropriate pet foods...if you think you are not aware of the fact human and pet foods are government controlled ...then start learning.

if you need to google "pet food government laws" then do so...i do not need to provide those easy to find links to you here...each nation has them. USA it is FDA in the UK where i am it is the FSA.

it is sell pet food as "species appropriate" and terms like "complete adult nutrition" have legal nutritional meanings.

So ALL vegan publically sold pet foods are controlled and subject to those government laws.

No need for you to undersand them more than understand the laws and standards exist...and pet foods faling the standards are recalled...regularly...and out of this year recalls 5 out of 7 were raw pet foods...and over the past 30 years...ZERO vegan pet foods were recalled

So i agree...people like you need to stop spreading ignorance with rants and learn some facts about laws and pet food laws in particular

And is not vegan to breed and kill animals. End of no need to dispute that basic fact so it is not vegan to breed and kill animals period. Pet food is not an exclusion

Ranting that it is ranting to say vegan pet foods exist and are complete legal species appropriate ranting without need to demand as you did also evidence...the Government Food Authorities are the references i repeat...and i suggest you try understanding that and their role in "pet food recalls" that most people have heard about so know such standards and controls exist.

There is plenty evidence easy to find...that those food controllers have never recalled a vegan pet food in over 30 years...and plenty evidence they have recalled plenty non vegan pet foods that killed thousands of pets.
My dogs get fresh meat mixed and also eat veggies. Vegan diet for your pet done wrong can do alot of damage. There are alot of things to consider, not just give them a vegan kibble. Everyones own choice, i find the diet my dogs are on is the most healthy for them.

that is just not good enough to scare monger without any references

what vegan pet foods have been recalled in the past 30 years anywhere in the world ? none.

what non vegan pet foods same question ? dozens hundreds....and how many proven dead and sick from pet foods pets ? thousands again ...from non vegan pet foods...and NONE from vegan ones


there is no evidence of this scare mongering incorrect claim

the truth is...vegan plant based pet foods are heatlhier than dead animal based ones.

plenty evidence of that..NO RECALLS is the first clear evidence for over 30 years...not one...ever recalled not one...ever proven to cause sickness or death ...compared to thousands dead and sick on recalled non vegan animal based pet foods.

The pet food authorities of governments set pet food standards...easy to check...and they recall inadequate ones too

vegan pet foods by vegan companies exceed the aafco and pet food standards criteria ...for nutrients and digestibility etc


i suggest stop the scaremongering fake news and tell some factual truths is better. which is what i have provided and easy to verify not waffle.

ANYONE can find the government FOOD AUTHORITY pages online the USA it is the FDA in the UK is is the FSA in the EU EUROPE it is the FEDIAF

the AAFCO of the USA are the standard setters...again easy to find onlne...with lists of the nutrients needed for species appropriate pet foods.

ANY pets sick or dead on publically sold pet foods...proven...result in recalls of pet foods.

Those too are easy to google and find on the government food agency websites online.
I can make the choice to be vegan. Should I impose that decision on a pet? I impose it on visitors to my home, but they are all warned in advance. They all know that if they want cow's milk in their tea/coffee then they will need to bring their own because I don't have any in the house. They know that anything they eat here will be vegan and they all enjoy eating here because they are invariably surprised by what is on offer. Should I impose that on a pet? Personally I don't think so.

I don't actually have a cat/dog but I frequently dog sit and I don't impose it on him. He is more than happy to eat anything I give him by hand and licks out a soya yoghurt pot with relish, but he hates his dried dog food that his owner insists he have. I don't blame him, but it is nicer for me than any tinned dog food which is usually the worst that the food industry have to offer and I have food a much easier way to get him to eat his dried dog food. I simply ask at the deli counter if they have any "ends" available, or purchase the cheapest/reduced proper meat. Sometimes he has had an entire roast chicken as a result - end of day reduction £0.50 or ox tongue 300g for £1.48 (there's 3-4 days supply). I don't have any qualms about handling it or preparing it for him. He is a dog, he is meant to eat anything including meat and who am I to re-design/evolve an entire species without giving them a choice! A tiny bit of meat (usually no more than £1-£2 a week) and he will eat his dried dog food and I don't have to smell that awful tinned dog food. It's easy for me, he's a dog, treats can be vegan, but his main meals? Not for me.

the question you missed asking was...should you impose death on a human owned animal ? forgot this rather obvious point when talking about imposiing things on animals humans own

what is the difference i ask next...between...putting food an animal thrives on in a dish to eat...and killing an animal ?

are these two acts even slightly comparable when talking of "imposing " things on animals humans own ?

i suggest clearly not.

So do not forget...the statement missing of...

"i believe it is right to force breed and force kill animals"

the next time you talk about "forcing animals"

and agree...that is not vegan but carnist as killing bred by humans animals is not vegan by any stretch of the imagination.

ps and do mention how many lives are involved in this "imposing" of death issue.

I will quantify that for you...

Depending if fed raw or kibble...

3000 1 day old suffocated to death male chicks at least to feed an average size pet cat or small dog.

approximately....i mean since the animals "death imposed" on were not even mentioned in this talk of "imposing" things on animals like "death" i hardly think the person who made that sort of comment cares about their lives.

As i vegan...i feel obliged to remind animal killers that their choice to impose death on animals is something that is not allowing or considering the choices of the animals killed.
Before anyone foolishly writes accusing anyone of "cruelty" and "forcing things on animals" again on this topic...

Can i ask..that ALL such comments.....include mention of the "cruelty" of "forcing death" on forced into existance as prisoners captive baby life stage animals owned by humans.

Describe...what "cruelty" is involved in putting food in a dish that an animal clearly thrives on and does not ever die of...compared to..the "cruelty" of force breeding animals and forcing them to die as babies ? i mean most killed animals are between 1 day old and a few months old when killed by far...there are 20 year old healthy vegan fed cats around and less old vegan fed dogs albeit Bramble famous example lived to age 25 similarly to her unrelated companion dogs.

There are legal definitions of what "cruelty" to animals is...and nowhere is pet food included as one of them.

Morally if not legally cruelty is surely killing baby animals ? if anyone does not think so...then explain that or admit one is not vegan if not believing this to be true.

Do people talking of "forcing things" on animals owned by humans think animals owned by humans that are slaughtered to willingly to their deaths ?

Do people talking of "forcing things on animals humans own" not think forcing death on these animals is not forcing them ?

if so...we can all stop pretending to be vegan and all eat the animals humans own and kill hey ?
I do what is best for my dogs and that involves meat, organ meat, bones and other meat, combined with veggies and all they need to thrive. I disagree with feeding dogs and especially cats vegan food. So while i eat plant based, cause that is what my body does best on, i also give my dogs what they function best on. [ insults removed ] I mean my one dog has working results and is a multi and international champion with multiple group placings with very limited showing, with alot of compliments about his condition because of his raw diet, but i am someone who only eats plant based and don´t pretend to be vegan in every way.
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