Moll Flanders
I vote for an exclusive community with strict entrance requirements, brutal initiation rites and a secret handshake.
And I want it to be friendly.![]()

I vote for an exclusive community with strict entrance requirements, brutal initiation rites and a secret handshake.
And I want it to be friendly.![]()
I vote for an exclusive community with strict entrance requirements, brutal initiation rites and a secret handshake.
And I want it to be friendly.![]()
Already have one - the New Vegetarians' Help Desk. We've also made some efforts to expand and improve the wiki recently.<<votes for a general discussion board. I mean, you can only talk about vegan cheese and why circuses suck for so long.
kazyq, regarding the newbie thing, maybe we could have a newbies forum. I think the Wiki was supposed to help with this sort of thing as well, but a forum would be easy-peasy for newbies to the board and would funnel many of the questions away from the eyes of folks like yourself.
I think we are nice. But perhaps we need to set up a kind of Chatter Police? Someone who can come along with a baton and say "Ok, enough talking about ramen and pot noodles, move along everyone, nothing to see here." or "There is a restriction on Harry Potter Discussion to less than one page per thread and you are infringing. Please take this yellow card, this is your first warning."
This is a discussion we've had before, but I actually think that de-emphasizing the "social chit chat" aspect of the board would be good.
I think there's a certain kind of infighting here, and unwelcoming atmosphere, because of it. I've noticed that the board is fairly clique-ish, and that spills over into the general/political issues, and sometimes discussions turn into some kind of personal, emotional fight with "teams" rather than just discussing issues based on what's presented. I thought VB did a better job of containing it.
It should be acceptable for a thread to go off-topic, if that's the direction the discussion goes.