Whatcha Eatin?

I finally made that red pepper/walnut dip, with variation. Delicious!

Julies not veg'n, but so many of her dishes are, and she'll offer subs for what isn't.
I used tamarind paste for the pomegranite molasses, and only a bit of oil. Should have roasted more garlic
I also grilled the mushroom balls I made yesterday. Just minced mushroom with enough vwg to bind, seasoned, and steamed
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Toast with vegan butter and Marmite. A cup of hot coffee with soya milk as the weather has turned and it doesn't seem like iced coffee weather anymore!
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I had cheeze and crackers and then a chocolate praline brownie at the cat cafe. Then we had dinner out. Bruschetta and then a vegan lasagne. I feel stuffed!
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A salad with spring mix, leftover marinated tempeh, pepitas, olives, carrots, peppers, Mayo, garlic, hot sauce, balsamic vinegar.