This has nothing to do with morality or philosophy.
According to whom? Even Wiki calls it a philosophy: "Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals."
Veganism has everything to do with morality and philosophy, and not to mention, ethics. The problem with this higher than holy attitude of not including all the other animals in this morality equation, is their endless suffering, exploitation, and occasional extinction, for our pleasure, entertainment, and/or taste buds.
Like saying bees owe us something or they have to pay their rent is ridicules. That statement alone is a prime example of speciesism. How blind can non-vegans be? This is what speciesism is and it directly relates to veganism philosophy.
We live in a capitalist society and must obey the laws of the land.
You meant we created a capitalist society, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? The fact here is the animal kingdom owes us nothing.
"I am vegan,“ which encompasses many more aspects of my life than just my nutrition. Being vegan means not only that I abstain from eating animal products, but also from wearing them, from using them, and from supporting the exploitation of other species in any way that I can. So whilst my diet is vegan, veganism, as a whole, is not a diet; it‘s so much more. It's a complete philosophy based against speciesism.
There are a number of people who do not eat animal products, for a range of health and environmental reasons, yet do use them in other ways, either by choice or due to their personal circumstances. This constitutes a vegan diet, otherwise known as a plant-based diet, but can be differentiated from veganism as a lifestyle or a philosophy.
Edit: to address tolerance among vegans.
We need to be a little more tolerant and accept one another's differences.
We are having a discussion on a vegan discussion forum. Just because we disagree on something does not mean I'm intolerant or disrespect you in any way. Furthermore, just because I debate your opinion, it also doesn't mean I'm pointing the finger at you, personally. I don't know you, personally. I am simply disagreeing with your statement(s) in this thread. Nothing more.
So according to popular belief, veganism is considered a philosophy, and does not warrant proof. You are either for animal exploitation, for whatever purpose you see humanly fit,'re not. There's no gray area there.
Making an exception for bees in my humble opinion, is not vegan. It has nothing to do with us being a minority. This is a fundamental vegan belief. It's not like I just made this all up. The below definition of veganism sums up what I am trying to convey here. It's not like any of the bullet points state "exceptions for beekeepers allowed".
Vegan - a Philosophy of Life
We can define veganism as a "philosophy of life", guided by a core of values and principles:

• A vegan sees life as a phenomenon to be treasured, revered and respected. We do not see animals as either 'the enemy' to be subdued, or the materials for food, fabric or fun that were put on Earth for human use.
• Vegans see themselves as a part of the natural world, rather than its owners or its masters.
• Veganism recognizes no expendable or superfluous species that humans are free to hurt or destroy. Species of life-forms need not justify their existence to vegans, nor plead for protection from extinction on the grounds of their potential usefulness as food or medicine for humans. We continue to be burdened and misguided by adages such as "a weed is a plant we have not yet found a use for".
• Veganism acknowledges the intrinsic legitimacy of all life. It rejects any hierarchy of acceptable suffering among sentient creatures. It is no more acceptable to torment or kill creatures with "primitive nervous systems" than those with "highly developed nervous systems". The value of life to its possessor is the same, whether it be the life of a clam, a crayfish, a carp, a cockroach, a cow, a chicken, or a child.
• Veganism understands that gentleness cannot be a product of violence, harmony cannot be a product of strife, and peace cannot be a product of contention and conflict.
• Vegan ideals encompass much more than advocacy of a diet free of animal products, or a fervent defence of animal rights. Veganism excludes no sentient being, animal or human, from its commitment to compassionate, gentle benevolence. To show tender regard for the suffering of animals, yet treat humans with callous contempt, is a disheartening contradiction of vegan principles.
• "Every time I bend down to pick something up, I find it is connected to something else". There is an equivalent ecology to our behaviour. Everything we do connects to something else; every action touches on the world around us, either close at hand and noticeable, or far away and unperceived, immediate in its effect or distant in time.
• If veganism has a primary value, it is simply that life-respecting compassion overrides individual issues of custom, convenience, comfort or cuisine.
• If there is a single article of faith, it is that commitment to vegan values will bring us closer to a world in which the fate and fortune of a planet and all its life forms do not hang on the judgment or the generosity of one species.
• If there is one single concept that both generates and sustains the meaning and the power of the vegan world-view, it is found in the word 'mindfulness'. As vegans, we strive to be thoughtful, aware and concerned about the impact of our choices, our actions and our decisions. The fruit of this awareness is inner peace, the quiet strength of ethical confidence, and an uplifting sense of fulfillment.