I'm going to go out on a limb here and say maybe you and your partner make more $$ than I do, if you don't see people buying stuff you couldn't afford.
I just don't notice poor people buying extravagant stuff.
Maybe some of it's where I shop - out of the four or five places I shop regularly at, we can rule out the cooperative. Prices are too expensive for the poor. While the Middle Eastern, south Asian, and east Asian shops are filled with people who can make a food budget stretch in ways I envy.
But that still leaves the mainstream American supermarket. I don't really see people there with EBTs buying extravagant food.
Maybe I need to go to a SuperWalmart or something?
Steak, prepared meals, junk food, none of it should be allowed on the taxpayer's dime. Provide the basics so people don't go hungry, period. Then maybe there would be enough to help anyone who needed it instead of only select groups.
Before you criticize prepared meals, I did know someone on SNAP that bought them. Then again, they didn't have easy access to a kitchen where they could securely store and prepare food. So they bought food I thought was crap. They never really learned to cook either, so when they had access to a kitchen, they weren't very good at making food.
I suppose more education would help.
I'm sure there are some people who legitimately abuse and cheat the system - not reporting a live-in partner's income, or even their existence. They do a great disservice - both by cheating the system directly, and by giving the impression that SNAP provides enough money to live extravagantly. It does not. If you're lucky, you'll have $2 per meal to eat. If you're average,
you'll have a lot less.