For people who didn't get the invite, or if you want an alternative method to download, or want to load it on removable media, you can use this link:
Windows 10
Windows 10
For people who didn't get the invite, or if you want an alternative method to download, or want to load it on removable media, you can use this link:
Windows 10
Honestly doing a clean install is better than doing the upgrade if you don't mind starting over, reinstalling everything. A clean install will always work better than an upgrade
One thing that concerns me is that you need a product code. My PC is 4 years old, and win 7 was pre installed. If it has a product key, I never saw it.
I like it too.Much better than 8!
Do you think it's better than 7?
By virtual, you mean that you can have several desktops that can switched between, so you have more room to put your icons and such?
If so, how do you switch between desktops? By clicking on the edge of the screen and dragging? By using a command key?
Oh thank you! I have heard all good things so far from my husband's friends who are running 10. They love the browser, of all things.There are ways to find the Product Key (assuming it's a Genuine installation) Aren't there?
A few ways listed here: How to Find Your Lost Windows or Office Product Keys