Calling out AeryFairy again!
What herbs and spices do you like? Any you particularly dislike??
Do you like chocolate? If so, how dark?
Minty flavors? Yes or not so much?
Think that is all for now!!
Santa is sorry to have not quizzed you until now! The festive season is the busiest time of year, and the elves and I have only just finished cleaning up after ourselves! Hopefully, Santa can put together an awesome package, send it ASAP, and earn some forgiveness... Not to worry...
Now, some questions!
What are your favourite snacking items? I like Swedish Fish and other gummy type treats, the American version of Smarties (not sure if you are in the US or not), crunchy stuff like chips/pita chips/etc, dried fruit, not a big chocolate fan but a little dark is ok from time to time, esp. if it is dark chocolate with a mushy mint middle like a Junior Mint or York Peppermint Pattie (neither of which is vegan I believe)
Are there any fur babies Santa should consider, and if so, is there anything they can't have? 3 AMAZING woofers live with us. They are very treat motivated; toys, unless very durable, they destroy. Big dogs=strong chewers
Any hobbies? Love kayaking, outdoors, working out, playing with my fur babies, read from time to time but I d/l books. I went hang gliding last weekend and boy it could become a hobby if I had the time. It was AWESOME!
Which animals are your favourites (if you had to choose)? Too difficult! I love all animals... But if forced I would say canines are my favorite. Dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes are just beautiful...
Do you prefer sweet or savoury? Like both equally.
Do you like tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? Love tea, not a fan of coffee, hc from time to time is ok but don't drink too often.
Is there anything you would like to veganise, or a vegan version of something you want to try? I am dying to try vegan marshmallows.
Spicy, salty, or herby? LOVE spicy stuff, little salt is ok, herby works too.
Favourite fruit flavours? I like most fruit flavors except peach, mango and papaya.
Just to let you know I do have a peanut allergy and am somewhat sensitive to other nuts as well if I eat too many (though I love pistachios). I won't keel over, just break out and my mouth swells a little.
Thanks Santa!
Calling Wolfie! A few questions so Santa can deliver your heart's desires!
1. Santa assumes you like wolves from the nickname, so do you collect any particular "wolfie" items?
2. Do you drink coffee or tea and what flavors do you enjoy?
3. Is there a candy or sweet you would like or do you prefer non-food gifts?
4. Do you have any allergies to fragrances or foods?
5. Would soaps and lotions be suitable, and what fragrances do you prefer?
If Santa can think of anything else, there will be more questions!
Thank you!
Calling Sallyomally!
Yay! Questions!
What is/are your favorite color/colors?
Fond of red and aqua lately.
Do you like spicy foods?
Love spicy!
Do you drink tea and/or coffee?
Tea of any kind.
Any hobbies?
Cooking and baking,thrift store shopping, going out to eat and to movies with the daughter,any and all things Christmas !
Any particular item you'd like?
Yes! I started a tradition a few years ago- I would love it if you could send a Christmas ornament. Nothing expensive (or even new, for that matter-it can come from your tree or a fifty per cent off markdown bin),just something that reflects your tastes,interests,or where you live. I've built up a nice collection from previous exchanges and it's fun to take them out every year and remember who and where they came from.
Any flavors you like/dislike?
Hmmmm... well, not a fan of licorice. Otherwise I like 'em all.
Favorite scents?
Cinnamon, vanilla, anything with the exception of rose, pine, or heavily floral. Candles are always nice to have around. Thanks to the menagerie who live with me, there are times when we need a little "help" if ya know what I mean.
Thank you so much, Exchange Fairy. I'm extremely easy to please and will love anything that you'll send.
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know.SWAMP-DWELLER!
The holiday gift snowman apologises once again for the delay, but you don't have much longer to wait because your package was sent out today! It should be with you in about a week, so keep an eye out for it!