Yes or no. And that's final.

Probably, but I can't remember. So I guess No.

Have you ever tried to replicate a meal at home that you tried at a restaurant somewhere?
Yes, quite a few times.

Do you think something is going to go wrong when things seem to be going alright?
Yes. I worry that things are too good to be true.

Do you ever use alcohol in your cooking?
I don't have any yoga pants, so No. but I do wear workout tights, which is what I wear to yoga class, and I'll wear my yoga shirts and bike shorts in public.

Do you ever wish you could go backwards 10 years and do everything differently?

Do you have a shirt in your closet that's missing a button and it's been hanging there for a long time because you're too lazy to sew the button back on?
My bottom might be forced to read it if i run out of lavatory paper.

Oh dear, oh dear, are you bored with life?