Yes or no. And that's final.

I once bought a few hemp items from a place called Hemp Union, and i think i may still have a few things.

Have you ever seen a pink panther?
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Like a natural what? I get compliments on my chopstick skills, but I always think they're just being polite.

Did you ever stick a knife into a space heater to see if the heating coils were solid?
Yes, I have a common name with many variations. I automatically spell it out for people without waiting for them to ask.

Do you ever wish you had a different name?
Yes. When I was young I didn't, but my mother loved it and put it into practically everything she made, so I warmed up to it. ;)

Do you own on DVD or Blu-Ray any movie that Clint Eastwood either starred in or directed?
Yes. The pear. I've eaten plenty of pears in my life, and there's nothing really wrong with the pear, but I just don't like pears. :shrug:

Have you ever had to physically stop yourself from throwing your computer across the room in a fit of frustration?
Nope not that I can remember.

Have you ever had the urge to scream "shut up" out your window at someone?
Yes, lots of times.

Have you ever gotten confused and accidentally eaten a pet treat while giving a human treat to your pet?
No. But when I was a little kid I ate dry dog food on purpose to see how it tasted.

Have you ever eaten pet food on purpose?