"I’m not a believer in the sway of superdelegates deciding who is going to be the nominee. I think we have a democratic process where people vote on both sides of the aisle … and that that should determine who the nominee is."
Carson is finally out.
"Clinton defended her vote to bail out the nation’s most reckless lenders by noting that the legislation had included a lifeline for Detroit’s moribund auto industry; Sanders offered a similar rationale for supporting a flawed omnibus crime bill that included a ban on assault weapons. The sum of their defensiveness was a unsettling but candid glimpse of the practical compromises by which, once upon a time in America, grown-ups policymakers with different priorities achieved incremental political progress."
My wife, who is from the west side of the state, had said before she was surprised Clinton was doing so well on the primary polls in Michigan. Apparently, they're not so keen on Clinton in those parts.Michigan Primary Election Results
YAY, BERNIE!!!!We Michiganders love ya!!
Well, this one does. LOL