Animal Rights are oysters the new honey?

Hi, I wrote the blogs in question and just found this thread. Jack Norris, a vegan dietician admits that eating oysters and mussels might be the best solution for those who don't thrive on a vegan diet, even when supplemented. Odds and Ends - Jack Norris RD
If you read both my blogs, I go quite a bit into the nutritional reasons. In other contexts I've compared eating oysters and mussels to an environmentally sustainable in vitro meat since it has many of the same fundamental characteristics (e.g. animal protein, nonsentient)

The ethical case for eating oysters and mussels | Sentientist
The Ethical Case for Eating Oysters and Mussels- Part 2 | Sentientist

I don't understand why a scientific taxonomy developed hundreds of years ago is what vegans should decide to hang their ethics on rather than sentience. In one breath vegans will say that science isn't perfect (e.g. Descartes thinking animals are automata) and in the next breath they will say not eating anything from the Kingdom Animalia (a division set up by science without regard to the ability to suffer pain) is what is really important about being vegan.

Oh, my sweet summer child.
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there must be a better way to have a thread on Twitter than putting @someoneorother all the time.
that's why I don't like twitter. I find it difficult to navigate and follow conversations.

But back on topic. How petty do you have to be to run to twitter to moan, after only making a few posts here?
that's why I don't like twitter. I find it difficult to navigate and follow conversations.

But back on topic. How petty do you have to be to run to twitter to moan, after only making a few posts here?

I joined a forum with clear-cut rules and defied those rules immediately! Why did they ban me? My own personal philosophy says that I'm right...
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There is no discussion with regard to the TOS. If you eat animals (oysters and muscles are animals), you can't be a member of VV.

Beancounter, Where exactly did you see me complain about your moderation action or the TOS? I simply felt that the deleted links were relevant -- especially the Norris blog post.
Beancounter, Where exactly did you see me complain about your moderation action or the TOS? I simply felt that the deleted links were relevant -- especially the Norris blog post.
For the record, they were not deleted. The software is configured to disallow URLs in posts by newbies, as a spam-preventing measure.
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I believe the removed links were relevant to the discussion.

Jack Norris is a long-term vegan, a co-founder of Vegan Outreach and runs (a great resource).

Jack Norris RD» Blog Archive » Odds and Ends

This looks like an "appeal to authority" type of argument, but Norris is an authority on nutrition, not on ethics or other aspects of veganism. Also, he doesn't suggest bivalves should be considered a vegan food. Also, he's only mentioning Fleischman's blog in a short paragraph in an "miscellaneous" type blog post. Also, "Fleisch" is German for meat. Just saying. :-)
This looks like an "appeal to authority" type of argument, but Norris is an authority on nutrition, not on ethics or other aspects of veganism. Also, he doesn't suggest bivalves should be considered a vegan food. Also, he's only mentioning Fleischman's blog in a short paragraph in an "miscellaneous" type blog post. Also, "Fleisch" is German for meat. Just saying. :)

Indian Summer, Thanks for clarifying. And my apologies to beancounter for assuming. For the record, I'm not at all convinced that oyster farming is as benign as has been argued. In fact, new oyster farms have been rejected in several states due to environmental concerns (estuary habitat destruction is the main concern).

That *was* an appeal to authority but Norris did co-found Vegan Outreach... and I think they do a lot of good. :)
She's a bivalvegan? :wtf::rofl: Oh these silly wannabees, making up nonsense terms in a desperate attempt to fit in.
What do you get when you cross a bivalvegan with a beegan? An Omnivore. :p

I'm absolutely joyous that someone who used to eat pigs/chickens/fish adopts a vegan diet except for the occasional mussel! I think a brainless animal without any sensory nerves is a far better choice than an animal with the cognitive abilities of my 3 year old niece.

:chickens: (The chicken is the semi-official symbol of utilitarian reform veganism.)