Animal Rights are oysters the new honey?

This just in: the forum should allow membership for people who are vegan except for certain animals, but not vegetarians.
Did she say that? I thought she just said if you allow Lacro-Ovos then maybe you should allow muscle eaters.
Did she say that? I thought she just said if you allow Lacro-Ovos then maybe you should allow muscle eaters.
On Twitter at least she and her followers questioned the wisdom of letting in lacto-ovos but not bivalve eaters since sentience is all that matters and these bivalves are apparently not sentient. She didn't say whether or not lacto-ovos should still be allowed, but I suppose she will let us know soon. And I guess next we need to let in carcass eaters as well. Carcasses are not sentient, and they're a fantastic source of a wide range of nutrients that vegans are often lacking.