Northeast Boston Vegetarian Food Fest

Thank you, shyvas. I am really looking forward to this. And of course, it would be awesome to meet some VVers there. :)
I have been there a few times in years past, but I always found the venue to be VERY over crowded, unfavorably likened to cattle being lead to slaughter, the way everyone is crammed into one large gymnasium-sized room and has to shuffle around and reach over each other for samples and things. Maybe it has gotten better organized since. There truly is a lot of great stuff to buy and try. I haven't gone in a couple years. Maybe I will try to coordinate bus/T schedules and go this year. We could meet up there. That would be cool.
I have been there a few times in years past, but I always found the venue to be VERY over crowded, unfavorably likened to cattle being lead to slaughter, the way everyone is crammed into one large gymnasium-sized room and has to shuffle around and reach over each other for samples and things. Maybe it has gotten better organized since. There truly is a lot of great stuff to buy and try. I haven't gone in a couple years. Maybe I will try to coordinate bus/T schedules and go this year. We could meet up there. That would be cool.
:) That would be awesome. And hopefully it is better organized. :D
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Sounds interesting! But the annual veggiefest in my area will be happening about three weeks later so I probably won't be going.

Then again, maybe I should. One of my nephews lives in that area and I've never visited him there...
I haven't been to a a Veg fest before. I am really looking forward to it.
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Pro tip from someone who's been to a couple of events like that, with a vague hope of meeting online buddies: exchange cell phone numbers in advance. And check in on this thread the night before to see if there are any last-minute developments. Just saying :)
Yep, I'm in. My sister and friend are doing an ALS walk in Boston that day, too, and I am meeting up with them later, but not until 4-ish or so, so I'm definitely up for a morning session.
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I hope you get to meet up! I waited too long...I asked a friend if she wanted to go but she had other plans. Would have been cool to see you guys. [emoji173]
I hope you get to meet up! I waited too long...I asked a friend if she wanted to go but she had other plans. Would have been cool to see you guys. [emoji173]
What GingerFoxx said. :) Maybe there will be another one sooner than that where we can catch you. :)
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It was awesome! I loved meeting and hanging out with you guys, and heck yeah, I'm in for next year! Fabulous day!
My favorite samples: Gardein fish(less) filets; they were scary good; this awesome chocolate sauce (I ended up buying a jar) and the Earth Balance version of Cheez-its -- OMG they were so good, along with the cheezy popcorn...must..find...soon! There were tons of tasty samples, including some delightful pieces of peanut butter fudge and several kinds of health bars, veggie chips and veggie burgers. Oh, and a kick-*** cranberry-apple-flavored popsicle! Total yum.
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