[QUOTE="Kasandra, post: 195577,]
, I feel very angry that I did not educate myself more about cancer from the beginning. Once the medical aid was cleared, even thou they knew my dads cancer is far progressed suggested, the strongest chemo (6 sessions) afterward radiation 6 rounds, then bone injections... To me it seems it just destroyed him faster and never was he given the choice to avoid treatment and look for alternative options. Maybe this is just my ignorance talking.... I know my dad is in a lot of pain... His at home still fighting but this is the worst part... Seeing him on morphine patches not able to do anything just melting away infront of our eyes. ....[/QUOTE]
I feel for you so much, your post made me cry.
I remember so well those last weekends watching someone falling away and not having any thing practical to do but pump up pillows or fetch tablets. It is gut wrenching and only experiencing it can we know the horror.
It is such a tough call .. Do
We follow the Chemo route knowing there is a glimpse of recovery ,a chance to hang on to someone we cannot bear to be without ? Or do we reject this option look for others?
We receive a diagnosis and are caught up in a whirlwind of words and treatments we do not understand propelled along by shock and terror. We take this route because we know no other so we have no confidence to reject it.
And somewhere along the way we have chosen to give away quality of life in search of extension of life without even realising we have done so. We all..
Patient and family will endure the unspeakable for a gamble of other year or even another month.
And the patient spends their last months beaten and exhausted with no quality of life at all.
But what alternative? Some of my patients chose to reject treatment at all taking six months of quality as opposed to eighteen months of what ifs. But it is a tough decision which their family rarely agrees with. Often families will confide that they wished the patient would stop fighting give in and live for their limited time but they are afraid to say. It is a common dilemma even for the very informed.
No one knows the right thing. But whichever they choose someone will blame themselves for doing it wrong. Just as you are. Just as I did.
You are a good daughter and your dad is lucky to have you all around him. His cancer was already advanced there were probably no other options . Please do not waste this valuable time left with turmoil and regret. Make quality life where chances still exist . Do not beat yourself up . You are just caught up in a room with no doors. You did not miss them they are just not there.

Always here for you