Companion Animal Memorial Thread

I was wondering...

There is a website where that sponsors a sort of ceremony for companion animals who have passed on or who are sick:

People do this ceremony every Monday at 10 PM Eastern time (Standard time, I think... not sure...) and also the second Sunday of the month at 3 PM. I tried to log on one Sunday, but evidently their chat room does not accept input at those times because there might be too many people and it would crash, so one of their moderators runs a benediction in scrolling text. Would anyone be interested in doing something like that here- posting benedictions for some of their companion animals at about the same time? This is a message board, not a chat room, so I suppose we should ask Indian Summer if that would work.

(Sallyomally, I memorialized your two cats on Sunday, but I fell asleep last night and didn't do it then.)
Snowcone. I only just met him before I lost him, but he will be missed very much. He was Mel's brother. I was planning on neutering him so they could be together again. His death was quick and brutal. I have never seen male rat agression get that bad and I didn't expect that from a neutered rat, but I will make sure this never happens to anyone else. I am so heart broken. :( It sucks that it happened to him
The males aren't allowed near Mel until she's bigger
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It's something that happens a lot if you have been taking care of rats for years, but this death affected me a lot. I feel bad about letting him near Tiger. He was too little. But because of my past experiences of having babies around male adults, I wasn't as careful as I should have been.
They were never aggressive to the babies, but I'm going to be much more careful now
Roary the cat had to be put to sleep yesterday. I posted about him in the Cat Lover's thread before - despite only being 5 he had the worst dilated cardiomyapathy the vet had ever seen. They have no idea what caused it. He was diagnosed a month ago and we were told it'd be a few months maximum but I still wasn't ready. He had stopped eating properly, started to struggle to breathe sometimes and was no longer responding to the medication. It was fairest to let him go. It doesn't feel real that he's gone, I miss him. Apologies for the blurry picture, I just like it.


He was gorgeous. I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug: