"God gave us animals to Consume! So,it’s OK?

It can be challenging to reach Christians who believe that God gave us animals to eat. However, one approach could be to emphasize the importance of compassion and kindness towards all living beings. This aligns with the core teachings of many religions, including Christianity.

You could also point out that there are many passages in the Bible that emphasize compassion towards animals and the importance of treating them with kindness. For example, Proverbs 12:10 states, "The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."
Yes there are many bible passages that mention kindness to animals. Early Genesis clearly tells us plants arewhat we should consume. Yes, Christians do believe the animal were a gift for humans to slaughter and consume. I find it is a convenient excuse to keep doing so. It ignores animal sentience. However, lets be honest, an addicted human population repeats the habit of eating cadavers and ignores the positive bible mentions of animal compassion. Many believe that yeshua, the prince of peace, and lamb of God, ate "fish'. He did not. "Fish" was added much later.
I am invited to a family get together on May 20 and it would be the first, for me, in over 4 years - it is a my niece's home and there would be a brunch at 10:30 and dinner at 5 - when thinking about it and the fact that they will all be eating animal products of all types I felt a bit sick to my stomach and came up with the thought "it's okay to eat flesh/animals as long as you don't know its name"... this seems to be the thought process for most people - I know it isn't a new thought but it helped me to understand why it would upset me so much after all this time - they are all highly religious and would never consider eating human flesh or drinking human milk and yet what is the difference? my conclusion they don't know their food personally so they feel it is okay. A bit far out, I know, but it got me through the day and I have decided that if I do attend I will do so between 1-4 pm, get to see family that I haven't seen in many years and stay away from controversy. Cowardly, maybe, but the thought of seeing them all eat anything and everything is more than I wish to deal with right now.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
Yes, eating cadavers is easy when you do not have to meet the animals and kill them yourself. It is a very cold and impersonal process. and
the industry makes it so to keep their customers. Thank you for caring about animals as well as your family members; peace.
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Thanks for sharing, you are a light in our diming world. When I started uncovering the lies and the deceptions, I became angry at the world and at myself. Angry that all I was taught as a kid was all a lie, it took Yeshua's help for me to see the truth, that the bible so many worship is a book that contains the truth and falsehood. My quest took me through a lot of rabbit holes, I have read the Nag Hammadi writings, the dead sea scrolls, and even the clementine homilies / recognition of Clement. There are more books I sought out to understand the truth, I had to become a gnostic just to see through the veil society has wrapped over everyone's eyes.

When you say ET, do you mean Extra Terrestrial? If yes, why are we so gullible to believe such? I found a simple analogy to the world, and I always use it to affirm to myself that there is a Creator. One thing I know is that, the devil has gone past making us think there's no God, he basically wants us to believe in the wrong God, and that's just as blasphemous as believing there's no God.

The feeling is mutual, to be able to connect with a like mind, it shows I am not alone in the fight, against the impulses of ignorance. You are right, billions would be shocked when they finally discover that they were deceived and that God, the one True God, does exist. But until then, the world is heading for chaos and anarchy, I just want you to be safe and continue to strive for the truth. Remember, seek and you shall find, for only a few find it.

Thanks for the video, would definitely immerse myself in it.

Peace & Love always
Yes, ET means extra terrestrial.
Their choice was unbalanced. Believing ET;'s exist does not mean anyone should take poison. Some vegans have gotten so emotional and
depressed that they committed suicide. That is also not a choice to follow.
I do not support humans committing suicide by following imbalanced leaders. I also feel for the vegans committing usicide. I believe
they were depressed and were low in nutrients including B12 and magnesium which led to their choice. Their choice was a final
solution to a temporary problem.
Central to Qanon philosophy is the almost messianic admiration of Donald Trump. Donald Trump, who removed the United States from the Paris Climate Change Accord. They might not be the good guys that you believe them to be.

As far as extraterrestrial disclosure goes, this is a very old story. In the 1940s and 1950s, George Adamski claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrials. When people made objective, rational criticism of his claims, Adamski would accuse them to trying to silence the truth. That's the problem with conspiracy theories - they can't be proven wrong, because those who prove them wrong must also be part of the conspiracy. The Big Conspiracy.
Dr. Stene Greer has been working diligently to expose the truth about ET's for over 20 years. He retired as a surgeon to dedicate his life to this truth.
He has written several books on the subject and visited every wotld leader asking them to reveal the truth. Over that time his life was threatened.
World governments do not want the truth revealed, as the issue of free energy truths are involved. Greer had a news cobnference with multiple witnesses including high ranking militaryt and government officials testifying to the ET existences they had witnessed. If you choose not to believe all of this, thats' your choice. However, "disclosure" is on the hoprizon, and yes, spaceships will uncloak themselves for all to see. If not for the ET's helping us for many years, humans would have destroyed this planet long ago with our anger, violence, and nuclear weapons. This is quite a revelation in this enclosed video...Peace.
You think humans are attacking God? I disagree. No one is attacking God. My belief is that God created the ANIMALS before humans were created.
The animals were designed to be our companions, and we their caretakers, protectors, friends and stewards. NOT their betrayers and slaughterers of.
God loves all of the creatures made. There was no animal cruelty then? to kill an animal, it was held down while some human used a sharp knife to
slit its' throat. All of this while it cried out in pain aas it struggled to get free. It took several minutes for the animal to slowly bleed out and die against its' will to live. That is cruelty and violence 2000 years ago!. If you believe we were 'given' animals to kill than thats' your opinion.
if man did not fall or took to sin we would not be eating meat or animals. You need to read God’s word again and fully understand why were were given meat to live on.
Dr. Stene Greer has been working diligently to expose the truth about ET's for over 20 years. He retired as a surgeon to dedicate his life to this truth.
He has written several books on the subject and visited every wotld leader asking them to reveal the truth. Over that time his life was threatened.
World governments do not want the truth revealed, as the issue of free energy truths are involved. Greer had a news cobnference with multiple witnesses including high ranking militaryt and government officials testifying to the ET existences they had witnessed. If you choose not to believe all of this, thats' your choice. However, "disclosure" is on the hoprizon, and yes, spaceships will uncloak themselves for all to see. If not for the ET's helping us for many years, humans would have destroyed this planet long ago with our anger, violence, and nuclear weapons. This is quite a revelation in this enclosed video...Peace.

this is most incredible few paragraphs of unmitigated nonsense I have ever read outside the world of fiction.

Greer has certainly been working hard to get governments to give credence to his beliefs, but that’s not the same as “exposing the truth”. Every time any reliable scientific methods have been used to test his hypotheses, those theories have been debunked . I won’t waste more time or effort regurgitating those studies - they are easy enough to find - but please at least set some kind of bar for reasonable evidence (even a low one) before claiming something is”true”.

If not, please accept my assurance that with control of your bank account I can double your money and therefore message me your account number and online password to do so.

Actually, no don’t; I’m not confident you’ll spot that I’m joking.
this is most incredible few paragraphs of unmitigated nonsense I have ever read outside the world of fiction.

Greer has certainly been working hard to get governments to give credence to his beliefs, but that’s not the same as “exposing the truth”. Every time any reliable scientific methods have been used to test his hypotheses, those theories have been debunked . I won’t waste more time or effort regurgitating those studies - they are easy enough to find - but please at least set some kind of bar for reasonable evidence (even a low one) before claiming something is”true”.

If not, please accept my assurance that with control of your bank account I can double your money and therefore message me your account number and online password to do so.

Actually, no don’t; I’m not confident you’ll spot that I’m joking.
Thank you for your reply. You have every right to your beliefs as I do. Of course his "theories" have been debunked! What else would you exppect???. NASA and other Governmental groups and agencies (Military, fossil fuels, etcetera) do not want u to know the truth, why would they ever admit what he states is accurate?. In like mind, why would our draconian drug-pushing medical system admit there are natural, non-toxic, effective "cures' for cancer, when they can rake in BILLION$ selling mustard gas chemotherapy to millions of patients/. However, do you REALLY believe that in all of the millions
of planets and galaxies, there are NO other inhabited planets? which would make Earth the ONLY inhabited planet in the Universe?. You do not need to reply, cheers.
Thank you for your reply. You have every right to your beliefs as I do.
I agree; we both have equal rights to our beliefs and opinions. That does not mean, however, that those opinions and beliefs are equally valid. Those that can be backed up by hard evidence carry a greater weight and those that have consistently been undermined by the same hard evidence carry very little. Nonetheless, I support your right to hold entirely unfounded and disproven opinions if you so wish.

Of course his "theories" have been debunked! What else would you exppect???. NASA and other Governmental groups and agencies (Military, fossil fuels, etcetera) do not want u to know the truth, why would they ever admit what he states is accurate?.
It amazes me when people use hard evidential disproving of a myth as "evidence" in itself that the conspiracy theory is somehow proven. How can you expect multiple governmental agencies with all their political agendas - or even multiple governments as you've previously claimed - to collaborate effectively enough to cover up something as stunning as extraterrestrial visitations when they can't even hush up where or with whom a president has flaunted his wedding tackle? Or can't keep Edward Snowden from having leaked highly sensitive military secrets and has had to frantically scrabble around to limit the damage after the fact? Apart from a complete lack of foundation in your arguments, you also have a fundamental inconsistency. The theories you mention have been debunked because they are untrue and have been proven so by simple evidence. The only thing I find astounding is that you fail to see the folly in continuing to spout them.

In like mind, why would our draconian drug-pushing medical system admit there are natural, non-toxic, effective "cures' for cancer, when they can rake in BILLION$ selling mustard gas chemotherapy to millions of patients/.
Here we enter the realm of serious danger. By spouting baseless nonsense that undermines and goes against solid medical fact, you are actually putting vulerable or gullible people's lives at risk. You mention a medical system trying to rake in billions of dollars, and that's quite true. However, your blinkered attitude forgets other medical systems are available that are not linked to US big pharma. Are you so shortsighted as to think that the National Health Service in the UK would choose to ignore simple natural cancer remedies if they were available instead of spending huge amounts of UK taxpayers' money lining the pockets of American private enterprises? It doesn't stack up. Whilst you have a right to your opinion, you do not have a right to jeopardise people's lives. Do your homework and, if you do not have the scientific evidence to back up your idiocy, shut up and keep those opinions to yourself.

However, do you REALLY believe that in all of the millions
of planets and galaxies, there are NO other inhabited planets? which would make Earth the ONLY inhabited planet in the Universe?. You do not need to reply, cheers.
Hmm. So I only have two choices of opinion? Either we're alone in the universe or all other inhabited planets are both technologically advanced enough to have discovered the secret to intergalactic travel and have decided to use it to visit us. A bit binary, don't you think? Is there no room for the belief (admittedly as yet unproven) that there are many other life-sustaining planets that are hosting civilisations similar to ours, wrapped up in their unshakeable belief of their own self-importance and convinced any other intelligent life will want to make seeking them out a number 1 priority? Is there perhaps some wiggle room for a suspicion that any other extraterrestrial life may not really care about us at all? Or that the next planet we find that has intelligent life will reveal that life to have an intelligence on a par with chickens? This grand plan of visitation you're describing has failed so far to give a rational and reasonable explanation as to why it would be so important to hush it up; even if all earthly governments wished to do so, what reason is there for such other-worldly visitors to meekly fit in with such parochial scheming? If they're intelligent enough to develop technology to reach us, they're easily intelligent enough to run rings round our political leaders - especially people like Trump and Johnson.

You have no evidence your assertions are true, you have no reasonable basis for explaining them, you have no explanation for why events would unfold as you suggest and you have a mountain of evidence that they are demonstrably false. How can you rationally continue with your delusion?
I agree; we both have equal rights to our beliefs and opinions. That does not mean, however, that those opinions and beliefs are equally valid. Those that can be backed up by hard evidence carry a greater weight and those that have consistently been undermined by the same hard evidence carry very little. Nonetheless, I support your right to hold entirely unfounded and disproven opinions if you so wish.

It amazes me when people use hard evidential disproving of a myth as "evidence" in itself that the conspiracy theory is somehow proven. How can you expect multiple governmental agencies with all their political agendas - or even multiple governments as you've previously claimed - to collaborate effectively enough to cover up something as stunning as extraterrestrial visitations when they can't even hush up where or with whom a president has flaunted his wedding tackle? Or can't keep Edward Snowden from having leaked highly sensitive military secrets and has had to frantically scrabble around to limit the damage after the fact? Apart from a complete lack of foundation in your arguments, you also have a fundamental inconsistency. The theories you mention have been debunked because they are untrue and have been proven so by simple evidence. The only thing I find astounding is that you fail to see the folly in continuing to spout them.

Here we enter the realm of serious danger. By spouting baseless nonsense that undermines and goes against solid medical fact, you are actually putting vulerable or gullible people's lives at risk. You mention a medical system trying to rake in billions of dollars, and that's quite true. However, your blinkered attitude forgets other medical systems are available that are not linked to US big pharma. Are you so shortsighted as to think that the National Health Service in the UK would choose to ignore simple natural cancer remedies if they were available instead of spending huge amounts of UK taxpayers' money lining the pockets of American private enterprises? It doesn't stack up. Whilst you have a right to your opinion, you do not have a right to jeopardise people's lives. Do your homework and, if you do not have the scientific evidence to back up your idiocy, shut up and keep those opinions to yourself.

Hmm. So I only have two choices of opinion? Either we're alone in the universe or all other inhabited planets are both technologically advanced enough to have discovered the secret to intergalactic travel and have decided to use it to visit us. A bit binary, don't you think? Is there no room for the belief (admittedly as yet unproven) that there are many other life-sustaining planets that are hosting civilisations similar to ours, wrapped up in their unshakeable belief of their own self-importance and convinced any other intelligent life will want to make seeking them out a number 1 priority? Is there perhaps some wiggle room for a suspicion that any other extraterrestrial life may not really care about us at all? Or that the next planet we find that has intelligent life will reveal that life to have an intelligence on a par with chickens? This grand plan of visitation you're describing has failed so far to give a rational and reasonable explanation as to why it would be so important to hush it up; even if all earthly governments wished to do so, what reason is there for such other-worldly visitors to meekly fit in with such parochial scheming? If they're intelligent enough to develop technology to reach us, they're easily intelligent enough to run rings round our political leaders - especially people like Trump and Johnson.

You have no evidence your assertions are true, you have no reasonable basis for explaining them, you have no explanation for why events would unfold as you suggest and you have a mountain of evidence that they are demonstrably false. How can you rationally continue with your delusion?
Greer wrote a book in which he interviewed top military, police, and scientific humans. They all made honest verbal and wriiten
statements about the ET experiences they had (seeing spacecraft, encounters, etcetera). The event was also in-person and
the media of all kinds was invited to listen. The book and video "proves" this stuff is real, as these top ranked humans told
their story and put their names to it. If you still choose to believe in "delusions", that is your choice. But when the "reveal"
happens, you will have a very very very hard time because you do refuse to believe it is possible. Take care.
Here is the page of his many books, the book "disclosure" is the one I refer to.
Maybe my reply is a bit late, but I’d like to share my thoughts. One approach could be to emphasize the values of kindness, compassion, and stewardship that are found in many religious traditions. You could also point out that many religious leaders and scholars advocate for animal welfare and veganism as a way to live in alignment with these values.
Agreed, good points.
I am sorry but Our God did intend give us animals to eat. Sorry to break it to the vegan community. What he does not condone is the exploiting the animals with fast food joints and other gluttony restaurants.
I am so sick of vegans attacking God in this way and calling God evil to giving animals to eat. You cannot cherry pick a Bible verse and say it reflects vegans. You got to understand that when the Bible was depicted it was a different world there were no animal cruelity back them like it was today.
Genesis 1:29-30 says: Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food. 30And to every beast of the earth and every bird of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth—everything that has the breath of life in it—I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so...
No, we were given the herbs and plants to eat, not dead animals. When humans eat the dead they absorb the negative emotions, adrenaline, stress hormones, and death of the animal. Not kind, loving, peaceful, compassionate or merciful at all. Watch "Earthlings" and see how happy the animals are to die for human meals. It is an abomination and truly demonic to watch sentient animals bleed to death.
However there are many humans who believe a king loving God WOULD allow killing Gods' children to feed humans. Yum?. No, Yuck. Take care.
Now I know why this nut-job is on my ignore list.
Greer wrote a book in which he interviewed top military, police, and scientific humans. They all made honest verbal and wriiten
about the ET experiences they had (seeing spacecraft, encounters, etcetera). The event was also in-person and
the media of all kinds was invited to listen. The book and video "proves" this stuff is real, as these top ranked humans told
their story and put their names to it. If you still choose to believe in "delusions", that is your choice. But when the "reveal"
happens, you will have a very very very hard time because you do refuse to believe it is possible.
You have no way to know if they are being honest. Whatever their job is, they are still human and there is a lot of money to be made selling books on the "paranormal," The book and video prove absolutely nothing!
Thank you for your thoughts.
The Apollo space moon missions were filmed in a hollywood studio, Kennedy was asassinated by a lone gunman,
foriegn men who could not even successfully navigate a small plane, colluded to fly multiple large planes
(taking many years of experience to become competent at) into various U.S,. buildings while the military stood
down, building 7 collapsed even though it was not injured by a plane, "weapons of mass destruction" were the
justification for wars against Iran (and Iraq) yet were "never found", and Covid was designed to instill fear into
us, and a justification to ram through untested medical jab experiments, and billions of humans submitted
to their jabs (and boosters), that Pharma companies and doctors have complete freedom from lawsuits for any
'side effects", including death, of the jabs (some label vaccines). You have no way to know if they are being honest...

"Ancient Aliens" is an amazing History channel series that has been airing for over 17 years. Watch some of
the episodes and see what they say.

The truth is what you believe it to be. But, "disclosure" will shock many who will not be able to
handle the truths that are revealed, we have been lied to about, EVERYTHING... peace to you.
"Ancient Aliens" is an amazing History channel series that has been airing for over 17 years. Watch some of
the episodes and see what they say.
:laughing::laughing::joy::joy: I have done and it is laughable! Look for debunking videos for counter evidence. You are the one who will be shocked if you are totally honest with yourself!!!

Here are a couple of interesting things relevant to this thread. The first is that while discussing this with a Christian friend the other day, I came to wonder whether veganism and Christian ideals are really quite similar when it comes to how animals should be treated. Not exactly the same but so close that in many ways, it seems Christians should really be much more sympathetic to veganism.

The main barrier is that Christians seem to think that veganism argues in favour of animals being equal to humans, whereas for Christians people were created separately and in the image of God. This "image of God" notion is actually a cornerstone of their faith. Also, God gave people dominion over the animals, so many Christians think that means we are free to use animals however we like. I'd suggest this is not consistent either with scripture or God's nature.

I spent a little time researching the use of the Hebrew word "radah" which appears in Genesis as the term for "dominion". Long story short, there is a very good case for believing that radah in this context means responsible management of nature consistently with God's nature. Given God's essential nature is to be just and fair, we seem to be responsible for being fair to other animals in whom there exists an inherent value and dignity, given they are the results of God's good works and are pleasing to Him. Now, veganism is a secular notion about encouraging justice in the ways people deal with other animals. At its simplest, veganism guides us to be fair to other animals because as sentient beings they have inherent value and dignity.

Overall, I want to suggest that Christians who honour their faith and their commitment to Jesus should want to treat animals very similarly to how vegans might, with the one exception that God permits us to use animals for food. In other words, both veganism and Christianity should bring one close to the same practices. I am writing a short blog post about this that I will share when published.

Now, quite oddly and coincidentally, something turned up on my FB feed today that I have never before heard of. This is odd because it has apparently been in the works for several years. The makers of Cowspiracy and Seaspiracy have produced Christspiracy. It will be released next month. Intriguing!

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