How to answer 'those' questions

This may cause offense ...

How many who are cautious about offending omnis would be equaly cautious about offending, say: Sexists, racists, child abusers, unashamed women beaters, etc, if they came across them?

If the honest answer is anything other then "absolutely equaly cautious not to cause offence" then you may want to ask yourself some questions.
Oh do not start this in my thread. Honestly.
Do not EVEN start comparing people who choose to eat meat and dairy to those who rape, beat and/or abuse children...Im NOT having it

This thread is meant to be helpful to those who want a good way to reply to diffcult questions asked by those who do not fully understand why we make the dietry/lfestyle choices we do...

Beyond angry.

This may cause offense ...

How many who are cautious about offending omnis would be equaly cautious about offending, say: Sexists, racists, child abusers, unashamed women beaters, etc, if they came across them?

If the honest answer is anything other then "absolutely equaly cautious not to cause offence" then you may want to ask yourself some questions.
This thread is meant to be helpful to those who want a good way to reply to diffcult questions asked by those who do not fully understand why we make the dietry/lfestyle choices we do...

Then, 'less all here have exactly the same reasons, not all will be looking for exactly the same answers Alice.
Dont try and make me the bad guy in this...
People can reply if they have a different way to answer typical questions asked by nonvegans dont make me out to be conceited in that people must share the same answers as me.. its when you start bringing the thread waaaay off topic mentioning rape and child abuse. Its not relivent here, at all.
Mod Post: Please continue any discussion on offending omnis in the thread in the debate forum please. This thread is for discussing questions about vegetarianism, if an interesting debate crops up please take it to the debate forum right away in future and if you feel a post is off topic, please ignore and report it so that it can be moved by a moderator.
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I usually just say I eat beans, rice, fruits, veggies, grains, etc, basically anything but meat, dairy & eggs. Most people don't really want to know much more beyond that, and think that for the most part it's pretty cool that I've made the decision to change my diet and buying habits, but say they "could never do it".
The animals killed during harvest question comes up sometimes.
This visual puts into perspective.

I just saw this post on FB after someone posted a video of pigs being transported to slaughter. :(

"Don't much care for the vegetarian pitch though. I know how many animals ('vermin') die to bring me my produce and grain, and I do not like how so many vegetarians seem to think their food is bloodless.

I feel for those pigs, though. That's not a proper way to treat the beings which sustain us."

I guess I should be grateful for her last two sentences but it got my back up a little with her whole 'vegetarian pitch' remark. I think I will post the link to this article.
Aaaaaand this is her response to the link. :pout:

"There's definitely a deliberate skew on that article (and the site), Karen. I tend to trust other studies - I'll see if I can find 'em for you later if you like - that actually count things like voles and mice that are just wrecked by farming machines. (They don't count insects, I suppose for reasons of they are so tiny you just can't get an accurate read.) They document the studies fully to show variants and cause.

Most importantly, the people who ran the studies did not have a dog in that race - they didn't care what the outcome was, they just wanted to achieve an accurate outcome."
What I don't get about these arguments (didn't click the link because I would probably cry) is that harvesting the food grown to feed the pigs inevitably kills animals, too. And these people so worried about the voles eat no produce, only animals? It is just pathetic DENIAL of the grossness of their eating tortured and slaughtered animals unnecessarily.
When somebody learns that you're a veg*an, and immediately starts telling you some anecdote about how their colleague's boyfriend's cousin's daughter became a veg*an and got so sick she had to be rushed to the hospital, what's the best way to respond?

I would posit a response this way:

1. First of all, you have no proof that it was the veg*an diet that caused the daughter to get sick enough to go to the hospital. It could have been anything that caused her illness. She may have had some underlying illness that wasn't diagnosed before she went to the hospital, and even there it might have been missed or misdiagnosed as something else.
2. Second of all, regardless of whether it was the diet that made her ill or not, you're describing one person out of billions of people on the planet, and many millions of people who maintain a veg*an diet. It is incorrect and inappropriate to use one person as the basis for making a broad generalization about an entire group of people (veg*ans). If you tried that in a Statistics 101 class, you'd get a failing grade.

Unfortunately, this response is long-winded and may not be convincing to the listener. How can this be shortened to something the listener might hear and understand?
The what DO you eat one is hard...because your mind goes blank.
Ive never been asked that to be honest. My guess is if I was Id probably answer with 'Pretty much what you do, just meat and/or dairy free' OR 'Regular stuff, i just use faux meat/cheese/etc instead'

Well I eat faux meat will be met with 'why eat something that mimics meat'?
hard f
When somebody learns that you're a veg*an, and immediately starts telling you some anecdote about how their colleague's boyfriend's cousin's daughter became a veg*an and got so sick she had to be rushed to the hospital, what's the best way to respond?

Tell an anecdote about some guy you heard of who switched from voting republican to democratic (or whatever) and within a few days had suffered a minor stroke.

Conclude that this is incontrovertible evidence that voting republican is bad for your health.

Allow them to explain to you (by which mechanism they will explain to themself) the myriad of factors by which the logic in play could be wrong.
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we're always six degrees of separation from a veg*n who forgets to take his/her B12 pills, lives off vegan pizzas.

Yes, this is so true.

I met my first Vegan family many years ago way before I was Vegan myself. and to be honest they were enough to put anyone off!! The children appeared emancipated and pale. The whole family looked sickly and miserable and were held up generally as an example of why NOT to be a Vegan. They had dreadful clothes as well, because the mother knitted all their clothes. But that was another matter!!!!

CG and I were talking about this the other day. And about the 'responsibility' you feel if someone directly attributes you with the honour of being the person that persuaded them to become Vegan. From the point that they do decide to do so it is not practical for you to monitor their progress down that route and whether or not they are maintaining the balance needed to continue in good health. This is especially true of course if it is someone you only contact online.

My first 'convert' is luckily based in the same office as me and I have been trying as discreetly as possible to monitor her!! Although I need not have worried she is a really clued up lady who endlessly researches her new diet and is teaching me a thing or two! Her lunches are always wholesome and she will boast at length to anyone who will (or who cant avoid doing so) listen to her surprise at just how easy it is. She is a great advocate.

This of course does not stop her from being the object of concern in the office . Prior to becoming Vegan she had issues with curvature of the spine and Arthritis in the back. Apparently.. rumour has it that since becoming a Vegan she is now bent further forward and has visibly 'shrunk'. Apparently she used to be visible in the porthole office window as she went past but now only the top of her head can be seen . Quite rapid shrinkage she has only been Vegan three months!:mad:
it would seem if that were true about the porthole, that she could be shrinking, or maybe it is her observers who are shrinking! Or maybe she has taken on some of the burdens of the world on her shoulders. *shrug*
This of course does not stop her from being the object of concern in the office . Prior to becoming Vegan she had issues with curvature of the spine and Arthritis in the back. Apparently.. rumour has it that since becoming a Vegan she is now bent further forward and has visibly 'shrunk'. Apparently she used to be visible in the porthole office window as she went past but now only the top of her head can be seen . Quite rapid shrinkage she has only been Vegan three months!:mad:

:rolleyes: I know that this type of chatter goes on in most work places... but this kinda school-yard gossiping about people is so mean and childish.
it would seem if that were true about the porthole, that she could be shrinking, or maybe it is her observers who are shrinking! Or maybe she has taken on some of the burdens of the world on her shoulders. *shrug*

Like the burden of working in an office where half the staff are so busy talking they forget about thinking??;)