Many vegans are out of touch from reality

I am willing to put in time as an activist
I am really proud of being a bi-cenntial baby
too bad you are doing the math
what do you do
you remind me of one of those people getting a nasty egg sandwich near San Francisco City Hall for $15
you really wanted me to feel bad
I have awesome friends older than me and would never use age against them. they grew up in a different time when the age of Aquarius by the Fifth Dimension was playing on the radio
I would like to find a group to fight Monsanto's Roundup
I did an experiment with a bag of potatoes from the 99 cent store
I was also taking care of a cat named Noe that started talking
I have to get back in communication with Melissa in Portland Oregon who has Noe
There was also a talking boy cat in Delmar kept saying 'i love you Noe'
if we can prove that animals are speaking intelligently and not just mimicking then that hopefully would be substantial enough to convince people we have some massive disconnect and animal abuse going on just to eat cow burgers, ribs, McNuggets

I have spent alot of time at a resource center watching people show interest in the plant based meat then making a face of revulsion when told it is made from plants. I need to get back to my book soon, balut is an egg at 14 to 21 in incubation that is steamed found in the Philippines. I need to be grossed out as much as possible.
It seems like people have pica
Why aren't we all demanding organic food
what would happen if the world went organic?
The Gates have millions of acres of land just sitting there.
we should enjoy life more and eat better
I still have not had the oyster mushroom fried chicken
Well.....I certainly wasn't picking on you for receiving SSI benefits--your response just came off as hypocritical
Not sure why you want to be grossed out by food.
If the US continues on it's current path towards christo-fascism I predict revolution of all kinds
Well.....I certainly wasn't picking on you for receiving SSI benefits--your response just came off as hypocritical
Not sure why you want to be grossed out by food.
If the US continues on it's current path towards christo-fascism I predict revolution of all kinds
To be fair to Kelmoy, it is not hypocritical to "not like money" and to claim benefits. Money really is (almost) "the root of all evil".
But we have to live in the world where we find ourselves.
I personally detest capitalism, but I have to live in a capitalist world...for now.
I detest it, yet I have money in a trading account. Is that hypocritical, or am I just "playing the game"?

I hear American's call the USA "The land of the free". That is irony ramped up to 11.
And I am not picking on the USA. It's everywhere. How much "freedom" do any of us (outside the gratuitously wealthy) have?
Most of us are trapped with very little real wiggle-room. Born, childhood, go to work, buy a house / car, start a family, die.
Sure we can make our vegan stance, do some activism, join a march, show we care about animals, the environment, LGBTQ+ etc etc, but in the end what does anything really matter?

Perhaps a little fatalistic there... Time to get ready for my weekend motorbike ride...ho hum
Money really is (almost) "the root of all evil".
Just for the sake of accuracy, the quote is “the love of money is the root of many evils”. Money in itself is neither good nor evil and there are many other motivations for people to do bad things.

That’s not supposed to diminish your points, but it does suggest to me that, rather than disliking money, we should perhaps dislike any system of ownership that allows personal greed to interfere with people’s welfare. That’s not a currency problem; that’s a human problem.
Just for the sake of accuracy, the quote is “the love of money is the root of many evils”. Money in itself is neither good nor evil and there are many other motivations for people to do bad things.

That’s not supposed to diminish your points, but it does suggest to me that, rather than disliking money, we should perhaps dislike any system of ownership that allows personal greed to interfere with people’s welfare. That’s not a currency problem; that’s a human problem.
I was really paraphrasing. Sure, there are all sorts of motivations for evil. Supernaturally-based belief systems are probably the worst.
Imagine killing each other because you don't ascribe to the same set of rules based on a dusty old book written by science-ignorant humans from 1000+ years ago. And not only rules, but interpretations of the rules.
Then there is the lovely human emotion of jealousy. That's a doozy. I do wonder what evolutionary role that played??

Either way, you are 100% correct.... "human problem". Humans are problematic at the same time as being the only species (on Earth at least) who could potentially get past that. It's such as shame that in our current era, the people who least deserve to be setting the narrative, are doing just that, and the people most in need of a completely different one are blinded by ...bull5hit (for want of a better word). They play out the us v them narrative and ignorant people lap it up. Whether it be immigrants or the homeless or gay people or trans people or whoever.

The fact that the Trumps, Johnsons, Sunaks, Erdogans, Orbáns, Putins etc etc of this world have ANY say in how it's governed is scary.

I wonder if we should have new rules for politicians. Anyone who wants to be one is automatically disqualified... But then that introduces a whole different problem.'

I am rambling. Apologies.

My motorbike ride was fun anyway :) Only 3 hours or so, and a nice stop for coffee and by the water for pics.
I wonder if we should have new rules for politicians. Anyone who wants to be one is automatically disqualified...

I once read a dystopian SF short story, or maybe it was a novel, based on exactly that premise. I think candidates were selected by computer. If elected, they were not allowed to refuse.

I wish I could remember the author or title so I could re-read it. It was probably about 50 years ago that I read it.
I once read a dystopian SF short story, or maybe it was a novel, based on exactly that premise. I think candidates were selected by computer. If elected, they were not allowed to refuse.

I wish I could remember the author or title so I could re-read it. It was probably about 50 years ago that I read it.
There was also a variation employed in one of the sagas written by David Eddings, whereby a leader was chosen for a fixed term based on their acumen and all their wealth converted into Government bonds. If that person did well, their wealth increased. If they did badly their wealth decreased. In the books it was not a sought-after position but seen instead as an imposed obligation.
I am retired. But, I recently got a job as a delivery driver for Domino's Pizza.

I think that being vegan is about avoiding harm to animals. Pizza's frequently come out of the oven looking less than perfect. The pizza can go into two places:

01. The garbage.
02. My belly.

I realize that I might need to stop eating pizza because it is unhealthy. But, in the meantime, no animal was harmed. (Well, actually, I am an animal. I identify as a Hog.) Eating animal products will shorten my life expectancy. Consequently, it is harming an animal (Me). But, it was my choice to harm myself.