Well.....I certainly wasn't picking on you for receiving SSI benefits--your response just came off as hypocriticalI am willing to put in time as an activist
I am really proud of being a bi-cenntial baby
too bad you are doing the math
what do you do
you remind me of one of those people getting a nasty egg sandwich near San Francisco City Hall for $15
you really wanted me to feel bad
I have awesome friends older than me and would never use age against them. they grew up in a different time when the age of Aquarius by the Fifth Dimension was playing on the radio
I would like to find a group to fight Monsanto's Roundup
I did an experiment with a bag of potatoes from the 99 cent store
I was also taking care of a cat named Noe that started talking
I have to get back in communication with Melissa in Portland Oregon who has Noe
There was also a talking boy cat in Delmar kept saying 'i love you Noe'
if we can prove that animals are speaking intelligently and not just mimicking then that hopefully would be substantial enough to convince people we have some massive disconnect and animal abuse going on just to eat cow burgers, ribs, McNuggets
I have spent alot of time at a resource center watching people show interest in the plant based meat then making a face of revulsion when told it is made from plants. I need to get back to my book soon, balut is an egg at 14 to 21 in incubation that is steamed found in the Philippines. I need to be grossed out as much as possible.
It seems like people have pica
Why aren't we all demanding organic food
what would happen if the world went organic?
The Gates have millions of acres of land just sitting there.
we should enjoy life more and eat better
I still have not had the oyster mushroom fried chicken
Not sure why you want to be grossed out by food.
If the US continues on it's current path towards christo-fascism I predict revolution of all kinds