TV & Film Movie Lounge

My friend made me watch clips of Movie 43. The Youtube clips were enough for me. I appreciate the fact that big name actors are willing to make fun of themselves, but this movie was just so stupid and absurd.
'The delivery Man' . :sleepy:

So painful my brain hurt. I gazed around the cinema, played with my phone, counted ceiling tiles and eventually fell asleep. But alas when I woke up it was still there.

Still puzzling how the rest of the audience found anything clever or credible enough to laugh at.

The Watch with Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn.
WTF??? This movie was NOT what I expected at all. The trailer and previews were so misleading. It kind of pisses me off how a HUGE chunk of the storyline was omitted from the trailer.

The biopic of TV star Lucille Ball.

I enjoyed to see many of the scenes from her show I love Lucy. Furthermore the two actors really did look like
Desi and Lucy, which made the film more enjoyable.
The Matrix is on TV. I havent seen it from the beginning since it was first released on DVD, this time I only missed the first 15mins haha. Anyway I didnt remember it like this at all, and amazed how dated it seems.