TV & Film Movie Lounge

I watched Dirty Dancing last night, for the first time. (Well, I think I missed the first half hour, but Jen filled me in on the details as she's watched it about 70 times before.) Yeah, I actually thought it wasn't that bad! I had of course heard about this movie a lot, but it was a bit different than I'd thought. E.g. I had no idea it was set in the 60s. I just thought it was an 80s movie set in the 80s.
We started watching Raiders of the Lost Ark last night. I could have sworn Belloq was supposed to be Belgian, but they said he was French, and the Internet seems to agree. I must be confusing him with a different bad-guy.
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I saw the latest Tom Cruise movie "The Mummy" yesterday, as my wife is (against better judgement) still a Tom Cruise fan.

What can I say, I laughed a lot, but very likely not in the way that the director had envisaged :D.
Go ahead and see it if you are interested in a new take on the "Mummy" story, to be more precise, the novel idea of mixing the Mummy, Zombies and Jekyll and Hyde stories all into one. (OK, possibly that has been done before, but I have not watched that many horror movies yet - for good reason, if I may say so)
I watched Pupl Fiction for the first time after many years and it was as good as I remembered! Still the best Tarantino film in my opinion.
Possibly does not belong here, but my wife and I watched the musical "Evita" (West End Cast on tour in Germany) yesterday, and we really enjoyed it.

I have seen the movie with Madonna maybe a decade ago, after having heard the CD before maybe a hundred times, and I don't remember much from the movie other than that it felt horribly long. In that respect, the musical was much better.
Game of Thrones (Season 1) is out on DVD for rental. I had never seen it before. I thought it was quite good. The barbarian queen is played by Emilia Clarke, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. It also has fairly a lot of nudity--including full-frontal male.

She was voted the most desirable woman in the world by AskMen readers in 2014.[48] She was named Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015.[49]
We watched 'A Cure For Wellness' last week which was visually stunning & I loved it up until the point when I had no ******* clue what was going on & that it wasn't going to be explained haha. Still none the wiser now. Such a shame as it could've been amazing.
Rented six movies last night... four 2/$1 DVDs & two ($3-ish) new releases. I mentioned the location I used to go to called me & offered me half-off for two weeks... apparently, I also had a credit (from a damaged disk that jumped to the end 20 minutes through)....

So, all told, I got six movies for five nights for a whopping 75 cents. :hh:
Have watched "Going Out in Style" ...

Nice remake of a 1970's crime caper movie about 3 retirees who become bank robbers after having been cheated out of their pensions.


Don't remember seeing the original with George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg, but guess it was also a good movie.
I also watched CHiPs, which was a small, moderately fun movie without any big expectations at being remarkable in any respect.

Disclaimer: I mainly watched it for nostalgic reasons as I fondly remembered the 1970's TV series :D
If you do not have such nostalgic feelings,, and are not a motorbike fan, you might be put off by the lack of a story and the amount of puerile jokes (think 21 Jump Street)