Still isn't. but it could become a campaigning issue.
Yes, I should have said was/is.
It was even less so back then, though.
Yeah, some things that come to mind is birth control. Also health care and covering birth control.
Yes, not to mention LGBTQ+ rights. Clarence Thomas is already talking about going after same-sex marriage and the like. I'm hoping the rest of the court doesn't share his views. He is reprehensible on many levels.
My favorite is when a judge tells a minor she is not mature enough to make a decision on abortion but then why is she mature enough to raise a child?
Not to mention the financial difficulties some will face, as this will undoubtedly affect people will less means. And before anyone says, well then, don't have sex, sex is physiological thing/need/process, and tying it morality and religion again infuriates me. The whole Catholic BS about no sex before marriage, yada, yada, yada, is beyond annoying and ridiculous, IMHO. That's again tied to a patriarchal system that says it's OK for men to have sex at will, but not women because, you know, they have to be pure for marriage. <insert vomit emoji!!>
In Calfifornia they are writing a law based on Texas's abortion law. but about gun control. They are even using some of the same language. You know that is going to go to the Supreme Court and we will see some interesting legal contortions. However it probably will get overturned. Guns are a constitutional right. Abortion isn't.
Well, Roe basically made it a right...with regulation. And something like the 2nd Amendment needs regulation as well, IMHO. The Founders weren't able to foresee the evolution of weaponry. They didn't have to think about mass shootings in schools, malls, at concerts or shopping centers/stores. The rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are fine as a basis for the Constitution/Bill of Rights, but times change and sometimes the rules need to be adjusted. I have no problem with people having pistols, shotguns, whatever for protecting/defending themselves, but I don't believe people need/should have these guns that can basically kill a lot of people quickly.
The US is the only country with judges appointed for life. And the Supreme Court is the only American court without a code of ethics. Over the course of American history there have been many changes to the Supreme Court. Maybe now it will be apparent that we need some reform.
Agreed that we need reform, but we also need people who are intellectually equipped to keep religious ideology from tainting their work with regard to what is constitutional and what is not. I'm really not sure what the answer is as far as reform. I would have to give that some thought.
Another thing I am unreasonalbly optimistic now is diluting the power of the evangelicals. For 50 years they have been single issue voters. maybe now their single issue is gone and they can vote based on other issues. Could be good for the liberal agenda.
Oh, I have to disagree. This is just the beginning, kind of a test case, if you will. They've been at this for decades, and now they know they can get what they want with this current lineup of the court. This will only embolden them to attack the rights of others who don't fit their religious worldview, IMHO.