IMHO, this is sort of like what we were talking about a few days ago. To anyone but a Tr**per, anyone looks like a better alternative to Tr**p. and like what happened with the the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination - "electability" was the deciding factor.Anyone want to weigh in on Romney? Other than the fact that he’s a Republican? He is anti trump so there’s that. For some reason I keep coming across stuff about him.
Perspective: The case for Romney 2024
With Democrats on the ropes and Republicans divided, will Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor, consider running for president again?
I will have to find some good new polling data but my recollections is that only about half the republican voters are in favor of Tr**p. And again if I'm recalling it right - Pro Tr**pers are trending down.
I think the problem with running Tr**mp is twofold. First you don't have enough Tr**mpers to win. and second I can't think of a better candidate to energize the liberals, muslims, blacks, hispanics, and GLBTQs.
There is a saying in politics. One-third vote Democratic, one-third vote Republican, and one-third don't vote. Anything that gets SOME of the non voters to vote is enough to sway an election.