Color me optimistic but IMHO I think the Republican Party is two or three big headlines away from getting away from this hole they have dug.I don't think Romney has a role in today's Republican Party.
If trump decides not to run in 2024, I think deSantis will be their nominee.
ETA: The RNC has voted unanimously to whithdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates. In the aftermath of Jan. 6, the GOP had the opportunity to draw away from trump. Instead, they fully re-embraced him. He is what they are, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. This withdrawal is just one more affirmation of that.
Several of the members of the Republican leadership have proven that they have no principals or values and will just go wherever they deem their best chance of winning is. There are already many open investigations, scandals, and such. I imagine that in time some of these guys will be discredited, disbarred, impeached, or convicted. And of course a few might just not be reelected.
I don't envision it to be like dominoes falling. but sort of a few smart ones will detect a change in the direction of the wind and will head in a different direction.