UK Product Thread

I just eat value(vegan) tescos digestives with some vegan buttons, which is quite close to chocolate biscuits.

Yea, almond butter is great.
I havent. I suspect they will be too pricey for me raggle.

Tesco digestives are vegan...good to know.
Apparantly now we (good vegans) have to boycott Tesco as they are still buying milk from farms who are culling badgers...:sigh:
when I worked in a milk bottling plant in the 90s they just slapped a different label on the bottles for each order run. Same milk, different supermarket label.
Yup. Most supermarkets are not changing their suppliers. the Co Op are one that is, but who can afford a weekly shop there!
I cant be bothered with getting into an arguement on FB but are these vegans aware that they wouldnt be contributing to the support of the cull as they wouldnt be buying cows milks anyway?
wrt the nut butters, they have them at some of the supermarkets around here sometimes (in the Free From at the big Sainsbury, for instance). Way cheaper than H&B, unless they're having the penny sale or something.
The new Alpro creamy fruit yoghurts are rather nice. I have a cherry one in my fridge, and thanks to this thread I want a digestive to dunk in it!

I find it a bit bizarre to boycott a shop over their milk farming habits if youre vegan. Surely thats like saying "Milk farming is OK as long as you dont hurt badgers!!". Ummm its all bad, badgers or not. In an ideal world itd be great to avoid every company that does anything bad to animals but you gotta pick your battles.
I know! I feel that if you are boycotting over a dairy supplier, then surely you should boycott because they sell meat, fish, honey, leather shoes in the clothes department.
I want to reduce animal suffering but I need to eat too...and sorry but if I can get vegan food at Tesco/Asda/Sainsburys then I will continue to buy there. I am on a budget aswell...not everyone can afford to shop at M&S or H&B...or a whole foods shop!
Forgot to get the almond butter! D'oh. As for getting it cheaper elsewhere; I've looked in my local Tesco's, sainsburys, asda & waitrose & none of them stock anything other than peanut butter. :(

On a different note... I am obsessed with Neal's yard remedies products since getting a moisturiser & oil of theirs a few weeks ago. The results were pretty much instant - never known anything like it :s amazing. Slowly going to buy a whole skin care routine from them (darn expensive though, will have to stagger it.)
I have been shopping online for the past few months to cut down on unhealthy impulse buys, and this week I decided to give Ocado a go because people kept telling me it isn't as expensive as people think. That turned out to be correct, it's about the same as I would have spent at Asda, but they had a disappointing lack of vegetarian/vegan products. They do have Redwood's bacon which is great, I miss that stuff, but about 90% of their processed veggie stuff was Quorn.

Is there anything I should look out for that might not be included in the Vegetarian section? I was shopping by category because I'm not familiar with the products, but I did see that there was veggie stuff which wasn't included in that section.
Oh, we just signed up again for Ocado because there was a Living Social deal. I'm trying to think what we get from there specifically. Plant milks are way cheaper than H&B, same prices as supermarkets. The Goodlife burgers are awesome too. I know there's probably more stuff that I should recommend but the only thing that comes to mind now are these awesome nappy wipes. Heh.
I haven't tried the Goodlife ones - are they meat-y or bean-y?

I'm also trying to find a vegan soup that isn't tomato based, ideally a leek and potato. They all seem to have cream :(
I think Baxters have some vegan soups, Although I cant find them on the website...Im pretty sure some actually say Vegan on the tin...

I make my own leek and potato soup.
Its so easy.
for two servings:
1 large white onion
2/3Leeks (they are £1 for a pack of 4 in Asda at the mo)
4 medium white potatoes
1 Just Bullion stock cube (or any vegan veggie stock)
Salt/pepper to taste.

Dice veggies and fry for 5/10 mins, add the stock according to packet or till its at a consistancy you like, cook on a low heat till the potato is soft. M and my parents say its better than tinned :)
I know how to make soup :D

Tinned soup/instant noodles are my default 'can't be arsed to cook and don't want a big meal' foods, I always have a few in the cupboards. But I'm not a big fan of tomato sauces. I also hate freezing food and heating it up later, before someone suggests I make a batch and then freeze in portions (standard advice in any veggie thread).

I will keep looking.
Water , Carrots (27%) , Butter Beans (16% Cooked) , Onions , Modified Cornflour , Vegetable Oil , Concentrated Tomato Paste , Salt , Yeast Extract , Parsley , Sugar , Ground Bay Leaves , White Pepper .

But to me it taste smore carrot-y than tomatoey....

I swear there was more vegan ones, but I cant seem to find them :/
Have you checked the fresh soups? Looking at the ocado website, there seems to be some vegan ones - Thai carrot, etc. I usually keep a couple in the fridge; they obviously don't last as long as a tin, but they usually keep for a month or so. Plus, they tend to be wayyyyyy nicer.

They also have a few tinned Amy's soups, and a Granovita vegetable hotpot thing that looks delicious.