UK Product Thread

I was in Asda today and they have a special offer on new baked bean flavours from Heinz. Pretty sure theyre all vegan too.
They have BBQ, Chilli, Garlic and Herb...possibly some others but I only got those 3. 50p a tin and will be 80p a tin after the offer ends. :)
Hi everyone.
Firstly I have to say what a friendly group and friendly thread...must be coz we're from the UK ;-)
Anyway, my first day of vegan diet starts on Sunday. My local supermarket is Tesco (but I also have asda and aldi nearby, and can also get to a sainsbury's and lidle if need be). I live on my own and usually spend between £20-25 for a weekly shop.
Feel free to go nuts and suggest a complete vegan shopping list for me for my first week!!
(cheeky I know, but I'm sure someone will have fun with this)
Thanks xxx
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Hi everyone.
Firstly I have to say what a friendly group and friendly thread...must be coz we're from the UK ;-)
Anyway, my first day of vegan diet starts on Sunday. My local supermarket is Tesco (but I also have asda and aldi nearby, and can also get to a sainsbury's and lidle if need be). I live on my own and usually spend between £20-25 for a weekly shop.
Feel free to go nuts and suggest a complete vegan shopping list for me for my first week!!
(cheeky I know, but I'm sure someone will have fun with this)
Thanks xxx

If you have a fair-sized tesco, there's a large refrigerated free from section with vegan treats. I like the raspberry and passion fruit yogurts for breakfast, or the almond milk on cereal, or the cheddar cheese spread on bagels (this one isn't to everyone's taste though). That's a week's breakfasts sorted.

I tend to buy my lunches at work, but if you have them at home then you could have jacket potatoes with baked beans, sandwiches, salads...

Simple dinner ideas: bolognese (tesco meat free mince, jar of sauce, spaghetti), casserole (Linda McCartney sausages, chopped tinned tomatoes, an onion, a couple of carrots, mushrooms, jar of kidney beans, stew for a bit), Linda McCartney pies (the mince and onion ones) with chips/mash and veg, curry (jar of sauce with chickpeas and other veg)
Hello CrazyCatLady!

I hardly ever go to Tesco but I'm a regular at Asda. The first thing that comes to mind is their meat-free sausage mix. It looks like gravy granules, you add water and leave it for a few minutes then shape it into sausages and grill/fry it. There are two types, Lincolnshire and black pepper, and both are very good. I cook that with beans and potatoes for a quick lazy meal. You can find it in the aisle with instant noodles in my store (Watford).

They also do their own soy yoghurts which are a lot cheaper than Alpro. However they do have a much stronger soy taste which I personally don't enjoy, so I spend the little extra.

I shop for two vegan adults, my weekly shop would be something like this:

Citrus: Oranges or clementines or mandarins
Stone: Nectarines or peaches or plums or apricots
Bananas (10 of them, we love bananas)
Whatever exotic fruit is seasonal/on offer. This week I bought figs.

Aubergine/laucki (also called doudi or bottle gourd)
Potatoes (about once every 6 weeks, large bags)
Butternut squash

Pure spread (every 6 weeks)
Soy yoghurts

I keep a permanent stock of sweetcorn, peas, mixed carrots/swede, bindi (okra) and cauliflower florets in the freezer, replacing when needed.
Asda's own Meat Free Mince
Occasional Linda McCartney products

Bread as needed - we just get a half-loaf
Part-baked baguettes

Sausage mix
Fat free supernoodles (tend to be vegan, but not all flavours)
A tin or two of soup
Baked beans
Chopped tomatoes
Bulk bag of pasta when needed
Chocolate/sweets (Fry's mint cream bars are vegan, and Asda do several varieties of vegan sweets like the strawberry laces)
Lemonade or other fizzy drinks

Every few weeks I go to the health shop after to get some speciality vegan 'meats' or pizza or something to put in the freezer for a lazy day.

I advise you to rotate your fruit and veg. Try to get different colours in each shop, it's generally a good way to make sure you're getting a range of vitamins and minerals. Buy what's in season since it will be cheaper and of better quality. Find a balance between sticking to your favourite 'cupboard' items, or looking around and spending hours reading labels. I tend to buy the same stuff but I always make a point of going to the Meat-Free freezer section to see if there's anything new, and occasionally browsing an aisle to see if there's something accidentally vegan I haven't noticed before.
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Omg these are amazing replies.
I'd avoided the frozen 'meat free' items after being put off by quorn products being non vegan.
I have a fair few of the products mentioned as iv been introducing dairy free alternatives into my diet over a few months, and I already didn't like meat so was heavy pasta and veg based.
I think I got a little nervous seeing a lot of recipes including tofu, quinoa, chickpeas and lentals - which are all things iv never cooked with before.
Feeling confidant and excited for Sunday now :-D thanks xxx
Yes it is unfortunate that Quorn dominates the supermarkets in terms of frozen vegetarian food. But Asda and Sainsbury's both have their own range now and some of their items are vegan. I know Sainsbury's have some great vegan sausages, and Asda has the mince and meatballs. Linda McCartney is about 50% vegan and 50% vegetarian only.

When I was a new vegan I relied heavily on simple meals that I was used to as an omni, I just exchanged meat for veg or veggie meats. Things like vegetable risotto, spaghetti bolognese, sausage mash and beans, vegetable soup with dumplings and "chicken" nuggets and chips. Five years on and I still don't cook with tofu, quinoa or chickpeas on a regular basis although I have tried them all out. Now me and my husband mostly eat Indian style food - dal and vegetable 'curries' and rice. I like it because you cook them all basically the same way but if you change the vegetables, type of lentils and spices you get a different meal every day.

Good luck on your shopping expedition :D
Asdas own chicken style pieces are vegan too...great for a quick meal...Ive used them in Currys, stews and stirfrys :)
Oh yeah I forgot about those. I buy a vegan chicken-coating powder, roll the pieces in it and fry them. It's a bit like Southern style chicken.
Are the fake meats healthy? Or just got for a quick meal occassionally? Xxx

Healthier than meat, but not as healthy as whole foods. They can be high in fat, since fat gives a more juicy meaty texture (vomiting in my mouth as I write juicy meaty). I have them once or twice a week but if you have problems with meat cravings then I say have as much mock meat as you need to get you through.

That sounds like a yummy idea. Where do you buy that from? Xxx

I got that from Asda too. I don't have any at the moment but it was in a plastic see-through jar in the same aisle as the sausage mix.
Thanks! Looks like asda is the most vegan friendly from most of the posts in this thread. Though I'm right buy a pretty huge Tesco extra that have big 'free from' ranges. I don't actually like meat and (grossly) would only eat processed meat that didn't look like meat. My biggest craving is going to be for cheese as there was a time where I couldn't imagine a world without it! But I have been weaning myself off it. Not yet seen any of the dairy farm videos but I will do on Sunday xxx
Have a try of the Tesco cheese if you need help getting off the dairy cheese.
Vegan cheese is very much down to personal taste, but so far the Tesco Free from mild block cheese has been my favourite...
Does the packet have any allergy warnings, such as contains milk/eggs?
If not then Id say they look vegan...odd to find cheese things without milk in them, curious... :)

ETA-I just checked the Snack a jacks website...

They state milk in the ingredients :/ Tesco must have the wrong info on their site...
Tesco do occasionally have wrong info on their site. I mistakenly bought their own-brand salad cream because neither the allergens nor the ingredients stated egg. Alas. They refunded it without argument, but I was still a little annoyed.
Hi CrazyCatLady :D

The Tesco block cheese is really great for getting rid of any cheese cravings. It tastes like dairy cheese in sandwiches & on crackers etc. I've only tried the medium strength one so can't say about the mild version.

I can't find any vegan 'cheesy' crisps anywhere. :(