UK Product Thread

I usually get coffee anyway...
I keep saying I want a soy hotchocolate from Thorntons chocolate shop cafe...I must find out if the mix is vegan first

I was debating emailing Thorntons and asking if they would consider removing milk from any of their dark chocolates so at least there is one vegan option...they have a good selection of dark chocolate but it has milk in it!

If you do then let us know what you send and maybe we could all send the same email to them? Xxx
Just did some googling (SO BORED AT WORK) and apparently, a starbucks hot chocolate and a caffe nero hot chocolate would also be vegan friendly if made with soy!

Soy hot chocolates for everyone! :D:D
The coffee shop close to my house has soy hot chocolate along with vegan muffins. I'm spoiled as all hell :yes:
I usually get coffee anyway...
I keep saying I want a soy hotchocolate from Thorntons chocolate shop cafe...I must find out if the mix is vegan first

I was debating emailing Thorntons and asking if they would consider removing milk from any of their dark chocolates so at least there is one vegan option...they have a good selection of dark chocolate but it has milk in it!

If they are using their own mix, and it's not the white chocolate one, you should be fine (the boxe4s of powder you can buy in store seem vegan to me)
if you get a hot chocolate with soya milk ay Cafe nero--ask for a shot of hazelnut as well--it makes it taste like nutella. Also Cafe nero makes these dark chocolate covered coffee beans for £1 that are delish.
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if you get a hot chocolate with soya milk ay Cafe nero--ask for a shot of hazelnut as well--it makes it taste like nutella. Also Cafe nero makes these dark chocolate covered coffee beans for £1 that are delish.

Oh my god, I'm going there later & I'm usually such a coffee fiend. I don't think I've ever bought a hot chocolate whilst out, but really fancy that today! Mmmm.
Eh? It's the cheapest skincare! Been on bogof quite a while - grab it quick before it changes :D
Simple is tested on animals isnt it...I mean sure they say they dont on their website...but they dont have a Fixed cut off date do they.... :/
(unless you mean Superdrugs own brand 'simple' range?)
They are not buav approved but it says clearly on all their packaging 'not tested on animals'

Not really sure other than that as I don't use their products.
Hmmm. I dont know. I prefer to stick to BUAV approved or Lush.
Personal prefrence because so many companies have been Avon etc.
Even Loreal claim they dont test...
I'm still so confused about L'oreal so just stay away. :D

Bloody Avon.

There's some Soap & Glory products that they list as vegan on their site.