UK Product Thread

I think we have one in town but I don't go to town often... but when I do I might check it out because that's brilliant.
Just saw this on Facebook:

IMPORTANT! Asda smart price soya milk is NOT suitable for vegans (the new UHT screw top carton)! It contains vitamin D from fish! If you have bought any in error they are currently offering refunds.
Why would you put fish in soy milk?! I know vegans/strict vegetarians aren't the only ones that use it, but it's a big part of the market!

I love the jus roll croissants :) 40p is super cheap for them, I usually buy them when they're on offer for £1 a tube
Is it right then...does it have the D vit in it?

Vitamin D3 is in the ingredients list, but right underneath it says Suitable for Vegetarians.

I just got off the phone with them, the woman I spoke to didn't know but she is passing it on to the team who deals with that sort of thing and they will call me in the next few days.

I did a bit of googling and I couldn't find anywhere saying it was from fish, so I'm hoping the person who started it on facebook was just misinformed. I will let you guys know the outcome when they get back to me - hopefully it will be positive because it's good soy milk and so cheap.
I'm sure I have bought that milk before. It's not the type of thing you would think you have to check.:rolleyes:

ETA - oh, I hope it is okay.
Yeah, I can never remember which vitamins and E-numbers etc. are vegan so once I saw that it was suitable for veggies I just assumed it was ok - seeing as it was soy milk and all :rolleyes:
There are some vegan synthetic ones available, but I don't know if cheapo soy milk would be able to afford them. Kicking myself for not being able to remember these damned vitamins.
I think I may edit the OP to this thread with a list of whats vegan, veggie (labelled and accidently) also add vegan brands of makeup, cleaning products and if you have one to add stick in and Ill edit the front page when I have a spare moment...Thought it would be helpful for new members so they dont have to read every page (plus all of our chattage)
I think I may edit the OP to this thread with a list of whats vegan, veggie (labelled and accidently) also add vegan brands of makeup, cleaning products and if you have one to add stick in and Ill edit the front page when I have a spare moment...Thought it would be helpful for new members so they dont have to read every page (plus all of our chattage)

That would be great!
I've just seen the previous page of this bread that all Jus rol (apart from all butter and sweet short crust) are vegan.



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