UK Product Thread

No idea CCL...what is it about that brand you like? Or would you be open to suggestions?
I know some people stick with certain brands.
I wish I could afford Lush shampoo hehe. I just get the Cherry shampoo from Superdrug its like 99p a bottle, smells amazing.

Nothing in particular, or at all really. My mum just left me loads of full bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Would have felt better using it if it had been cruelty free xxx
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Well you could use whats shes left, sometimes I get gifts that people think are CF but arent or are but contain beeswax/silk/etc something a non vegan wouldnt check for. Since I didnt buy it, I feel rude not to use it. If M can use it he does otherwise i just use it then continue buying my own stuff that I trust.
Nothing in particular, or at all really. My mum just left me loads of full bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Would have felt better using it if it had been cruelty free xxx

My mum buys me non-vegan stuff. She doesn't really get honey/beeswax as being as problem, and her eyesight isn't the best so she asks shop staff to help her read bottles and I think a lot of the time they tell her it's vegan because they don't know what it means either. If I can give the stuff away, I do, if not then I just use it. It doesn't help any animals if you throw it in the bin.
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No idea CCL...what is it about that brand you like? Or would you be open to suggestions?
I know some people stick with certain brands.
I wish I could afford Lush shampoo hehe. I just get the Cherry shampoo from Superdrug its like 99p a bottle, smells amazing.

I swap between Lush and a cheap brand (superdrug!) to keep costs down. I find if I use Superdrug stuff too often it makes my hair feel gross, so I swap around.

I LOVE that shampoo. I think it smells amazing though... a little like coca cola, and the veganese conditioner smells like lemonade, so whenever I have a shower my boyfriend calls me fizzypants because I smell of soft drinks :p

Thats the exact combination I just used. HAIR TWINS!

In other news. CCL I think if you have already been given the Tresemme its not the end of the world if you use it, if you feel comfortable doing so. For me it depends on the ingredients, I dunno how hypocritical that is. If its got honey or beeswax in it or I wasnt sure what was in it I'd use it up, but if it was something like silk I wouldnt. Its easy for me to give stuff like that away though.
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In other news. CCL I think if you have already been given the Tresemme its not the end of the world if you use it, if you feel comfortable doing so. For me it depends on the ingredients, I dunno how hypocritical that is. If its got honey or beeswax in it or I wasnt sure what was in it I'd use it up, but if it was something like silk I wouldnt. Its easy for me to give stuff like that away though.

I'm with you there. If it's honey or beeswax I eat it/use it. If it was gelatine or carmine I just couldn't do it.

In a way I wish I had more non-vegetarian friends so I had someone to give this stuff to. But I think I'm lucky that I don't :D
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I had some Jus-Rol Bake It Fresh Garlic Pizza Bread

yesterday, but it was a bit disappointing. It was quite nice, but I couldn't taste any garlic.....perhaps I left it in too long.
I saw they had almond butter in sainsburys yesterday. Happy days. :) won't get any just yet - have most of a big jar a peanut butter still.

Also there was a peanut butter with dark chocolate chips in! Yum.
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They must use syrup.
Incidently, Hob Nob flapjacks are vegan too..aswell as Hobnobs in biscuit form...unless chocolate coated.
^ Giant bars are the BEST. A bit crumbly... but the flavours are soooo good.

Dove farm do expensive but nice apple and sultana ones, quite salty and moist which is good.
I just ate a Mamma Lucina pizza from h&bs. It was vegan & gluten free, but didnt taste vegan or gluten free. Was a little plain unti I covered it in sriracha but quite nice. It was £4 which seems expensive but when you consider how much a takeaway pizza is that aint bad. I happened to have a h&bs reward voucher so got it with that. Im too tight to buy it again though haha
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Redwoods just sent me an email saying they have started a pasty and sausage roll range.