UK Product Thread

I love those caramel chocs, I haven't had them in ages. :drool:

Have I mentioned these Tesco chocolates before? They were vegan a while ago and I just looked at the ingredients and they look okay to me.
Tesco Finest Gianduiotti Chocolates


Sugar,Hazelnut Paste ,Cocoa Mass ,Cocoa Butter ,Caramel (4%) ,Emulsifier (Soya Lecithins) ,Vanilla Extract ,Gianduja chocolate contains Cocoa Solids 29% minimum
Does it not say what's in the caramel? I thought caramel was made of butter and sugar melted together or am I being thick?
That's what I thought...

But then they'd usually have the ingredients that make up he caramel in brackets next to it right?!
Does it not say what's in the caramel? I thought caramel was made of butter and sugar melted together or am I being thick?

Oh, okay. I think I remember them being definitely vegan at some point as I read it a few times on Vegan Forum.:confused: Maybe I will send an e-mail.
Does it not say what's in the caramel? I thought caramel was made of butter and sugar melted together or am I being thick?

No caramel is burnt sugar. On the other hand Gianduja if it is authentic, does contain either butter or cream.

It's a shame that Tesco don't have the logo 'suitable for vegans' or 'doesn't contain dairy' logo. It would make
shopping so much easier.;)
Tesco just sent me the December 2012 vegan list and those chocolates aren't on there anymore.:( I can't work out how to put the new list on here.:confused:
Vegan:Hot damn (Supermarket) brand (product) is VEGAN! So happy. I will use my pennies to buy these.

Supermarket:Damn I think this (product) could use more (milk/eggs/geletin)...Let me fix that right away!

^ Painful memory of Sainsbury's salad cream being invoked here.

If the ingredients are as listed and the caramel is made of just sugar, I'd eat them. Actually they look really nice and next time I'm in a tesco I'll get some.

In case anyone is making cakes, the only hundreds and thousands I can find that are vegan are asda own brand. bit of a pain in the *** since Asda is awkward for me to get to, but I was in there yesterday and replenished my stock. Everywhere else theyre either carminey or coated in shellac/beeswax.
Caramel in an ingredients list is just burnt sugar, as mentioned, but candies/sweets can be callled caramels as well, as they most always have dairy. As mentioned though, this would have to be labeled as an allergen.

I have an old container of a brand of hundreds/thousands that I will look up and post about tomorrow, but I only seem to find them in little random newsagents/delis, etc. Weird. Sainsburys own and Dr Oetker used to be vegan but now I think they both have beeswax. I looked this year at approximately 143 kinds of "sprinkles" but it was a vegan washout. :(

ETA: The one in my cupboard (that's mostly empty) is by these folks: There's a lot of not-vegan stuff there too though.
Linda McCartney has a new range. Chilled ready meals (hotpot, cottage pie, sausage and bean stew, chilli), chilled sausages and burgers, scampi, and a few other things. Not much of it is vegan, but the chilli and the bean stew are, as are the sausages. Eating the bean stew now, it's not bad - handy for going to work with :)
I didn't like the Tesco gnocchi at all,:yuck: it didn't help that Tesco brought the medium free-from cheese instead of the mild which my husband signed for so I was stuck using that with it.:rolleyes: I tried the frozen Caribbean sweet potato roasts and they weren't bad.

I also don't like the Heinz baked beans with the different types of beans. :down:
Awwww I love those beans.

I found that sausage Linda mcCartney ready meal really oily though. I prefer the innocent veg pots although dont buy them a lot since theyre ££££ and only get if on offer. I got a carribean one the other day, and accidentally smashed the plastic carton on the floor whooops. When you empty it out onto a plate its TINY. Still was yummy, and I had random strangers in the canteen tell me how nice my food looked/smelt haha.

oh randomly, Oxfam has some vegan truffles at the moment. They had them over xmas (£6 for 6 NO THANKS) but theyre now on offer. The lady was still in the process of labelling all the stuff, and I had no change on me so didnt ask as I couldnt get them anyway. Im regretting it :(. Aha Theesee. They look worth £1.79 to me mmm
Oh wow, shame they're sold out online because I saw them at their original price and was tempted but £1 a chocolate is far too much. I will look out for them tomorrow/saturday though, they look delicious.

I've had an innocent pot once and it was delicious, but they're again just too expensive. Even on offer !
Oh wow, shame they're sold out online because I saw them at their original price and was tempted but £1 a chocolate is far too much. I will look out for them tomorrow/saturday though, they look delicious.

I've had an innocent pot once and it was delicious, but they're again just too expensive. Even on offer !

They're £2 at the moment, which I don't think is too bad (I take them to work because that's cheaper and nicer than what I'd get from the cafe there).