UK Product Thread

I still haven't been to Vx. I tried a Cat & Cream cupcake and it was okay but not as nice as the Ms Cupcake ones.

I got the Tesco smoked free-from cheese this week and I liked it, I think it would be nice sliced up in a salad with lettuce, olives, red onions, toms, cuke and some french dressing.:lick:

Ive just been to get some of this. Im excited to try it! I miss smoked cheese like you wouldnt believe!

I have a confession too. I ate beef geletine :(
It was in a dessert pot. I must have missed it when I scan read the ingredients...I feel sick :yuck:
Ive just been to get some of this. Im excited to try it! I miss smoked cheese like you wouldnt believe!

I have a confession too. I ate beef geletine :(
It was in a dessert pot. I must have missed it when I scan read the ingredients...I feel sick :yuck:

It happened to me a few months ago and I also felt sick and so guilty.:(
Ugh it's in loads of yogurts etc.

A month or so ago I ate a cereal bar & after checked the ingredients (no idea why I didn't check before but something made me go back & look...) saw it had gelatine in it. Aghhhhhh so disgusting.
Ready salted crisps is what I eat(if I have some) if I am sure I have eaten something like that that I didn't want to.

Detox crisps. :)
As far as I know since I gave up meat I have eaten beef gel twice.

This dessert one I re-read the label in the supermarket(as i was going to buy more) so couldnt freakout because public place...
I have a confession too. I ate beef geletine :(
It was in a dessert pot. I must have missed it when I scan read the ingredients...I feel sick :yuck:

It's happened to me 4 times in the past 6 weeks.

Companies changing ingredients without saying anything! ARGH!

I'm back on compulsive label checking everything now.

By four times I mean I've eaten two different things twice and then the last time I was in the supermarket I glanced at the ingredients as I was getting them off the shelf and saw gelatine.

These were things that I know were definitely vegetarian before Christmas as that was the last time I brought them until 6 weeks ago.
They would need such frequent updates they'd cost a fortune. :p Companies can't stick to a recipe for more than 5 minutes.
If anyone can find raisins not fecking glazed in oil please let me know. I can't find any any where and I hate the feel/taste of oily raisins. Sunmaid makes some lovely ones--but both waitrose and sainsbury stopped carrying them. I haven't see any for ages at either place. Our independant HFS had some-but now they come glazed in oil. What is with that? It makes them taste horrible!!!!
Nakd do flavoured raisins and I dont think they're oily... they are flavoured though which may be a compromise haha.
Those nak'd ones are really nice--but expensive for a wee bag. sometimes you just need plain ole raisins though. I have this recipe from the back of my barley couscous with caramalised onions and pine nuts and raisins over barley couscous that I am dying to try. But I can't find any decent raisins to do so! bah!
Oh wow! I hope that cherry and almond one is vegan >.>

does anyone know of any good vegan "breakfast biscuits"? I know theyre junk. but I often forget to eat/bring breakfast then get hungry at work, so want a stash in my desk. the microwave is crap so sachets of porridge dont really work (unless i want porridge soup). I tried the only ones I can find, All Bran chocolate ones and they were gross. They were solid and hurt my teeth, like eating a slightly chocolatey brick. I had to dunk them in coffee just to make them chewable. I also cant eat any fruit in the morning or it makes me feel ill, otherwise id just eat the free apples we're given (perks of working for a healthcare company!)
Oh my goodness those cakes look amazing...!
Have you tried them?

I got some of the smoked cheese but havent opened it yet...smoked cheese was always my fav dairy cheese so Im hoping this is as good!
Smoked cheese was always my favourite too. It's no Applewood, but it's deff not bad. The best fake cheese for me personally.

Haven't tried the cakes yet as I recently made one myself. Maybe they'll come on offer too xxx
Has anyone tried melting the smoked cheese?

I had some mild and medium blocks, I found the mild is weird when melted very overly gooey. The medium is better for me.
I haven't tried melting it yet but I might make a toastie later.:lick: I ordered some of the new Tesco lemon soya yoghurts for today and I'm looking forward to trying them. My Tesco didn't have the new vegan cakes though.:down: