UK Product Thread

I got really excited last time I was in Tesco. I went right to the free from fridge section (cheese, milk yoghurts etc) and on the shelf was CHEESECAKE POT DESSETS! so happy. BUT theyre not vegan...theyre just free from gluten.
Nearly made the same mistake with chicken nuggets. Real chicken in a gluten/egg free coating.
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I do that a lot in the freezer section. Small shops always put their free from stuff in the vegetarian section, very confusing!
Yeah I've done that with burgers too.

Also, I used to buy special free from bourbon biscuits that cost a fortune for ages until I realised I could eat the normal ones. Luckily I never did the same with shampoo/etc, but I know people that spent a fortune on shampoo/conditioner/etc (like £6 for a 250-300ml bottle) because they didn't realise you could get vegan shampoo in normal shops.
Yeah I've done that with burgers too.

Also, I used to buy special free from bourbon biscuits that cost a fortune for ages until I realised I could eat the normal ones. Luckily I never did the same with shampoo/etc, but I know people that spent a fortune on shampoo/conditioner/etc (like £6 for a 250-300ml bottle) because they didn't realise you could get vegan shampoo in normal shops.
This is the beauty of the UK Product thread. Before this thread I used to think 'when i go vegan Ill never taste (insert food stuff) again'
I got really excited last time I was in Tesco. I went right to the free from fridge section (cheese, milk yoghurts etc) and on the shelf was CHEESECAKE POT DESSETS! so happy. BUT theyre not vegan...theyre just free from gluten.
Nearly made the same mistake with chicken nuggets. Real chicken in a gluten/egg free coating.

Bluegh, imagine biting into a real chicken, chicked nugget :yuck:
I'm always worried that I'll do something like that. At least every label in the house gets double-checked by both of us (we're a little ingredient-paranoid).

Has anyone tried the Tesco 'strong' free from cheese? I've ordered some to come with my next shop, along with the smoked one. All of these new products are making me both very happy and fairly broke!
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I expect these have been mentioned... but I managed to find the free-from stuff in our local Tescos yesterday and they're on 3 for 2 offer, I bought:

Vegan Creme Caramels: these are really nice! :) Tiny pots, £1.25 for 4 though, so I can afford to eat two :p They taste pretty much as the shop-bought creme caramels tasted when I was a kid, but this was many years ago so my judgement may not be that good. Either way they were nice.

Coconut and chocolate milk: Haven't tried it yet, sounds good.

"Medium" free-from cheese: Haven't tried it yet, we'll see. :)

For £1.25 each and 3 for the price of 2, that's pretty reasonable compared to buying from a LHS though :)

ETA: Okay I tried the cheese, it was vile. I didn't make more than a mouthful. (But the resealable packet was neat).
:( I did I did! I had it melted in a toasted sandwich. I couldn't stand it, I guess people are different, vegan cheese seems to be divisive.

It's okay, I like Cheezly super melting so I have a cheese to turn to when I want some.
I don't like the Tesco soya medium, I can't eat it, and my dad says he thinks it tastes of toffee....

I like the Tesco Soya Mild though........they've be out of stock with that for ages..
I prefer the medium over mild (mild is white and medium is orange right?)

I tried the Smoked on some chili at the weekend...YUM! Even M who said the other tesco cheeses made hm feel sick just at the smell said the smoked was amazing.
I don't like the Tesco soya medium, I can't eat it, and my dad says he thinks it tastes of toffee....

I like the Tesco Soya Mild though........they've be out of stock with that for ages..

I think it tastes like caramel/toffee too! It definitely tastes sweet to me.:yuck: I can't get the mild one near me either but the smoked is rather nice so I don't mind too much.
Sainsburys strawberry pencils are now NOT vegetarian or vegan.

I bought some in my online shop, saw the "new improved recipe" on the back and thought... oh no. Beef gelatine. :yuck:
^ How rude! I hate when they add gelatine to foods that are perfectly good without them.

I did discover, however, that Mcvites Ginger Nuts ARE vegan. As discovered when my manager bought in a packet to share with the team. Im not usually keen on ginger, but noone ever brings in stuff I can eat so I dont care haha. probably a good thing since someones always got cakes on the go for some occasion or another.
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Reactions: SummerRain it you who likes Lotus biscuits?

If seen this?
