UK Product Thread

Redwoods 'wot no dairy' yoghurts - WHY ARE THEY SELLING THESE?! I am not in the slightest bit fussy & very rarely can't eat something because its so bad (apart from marmite...recent discovery) but that was actually not edible. Absolutely disgusting.

Has anyone else tried them? What's the verdict?
Redwoods 'wot no dairy' yoghurts - WHY ARE THEY SELLING THESE?! I am not in the slightest bit fussy & very rarely can't eat something because its so bad (apart from marmite...recent discovery) but that was actually not edible. Absolutely disgusting.

Has anyone else tried them? What's the verdict?

I've never tried them. I always buy Alpro yogurt at Sainsbury's and love it.
Yeah I love all the alpro things. Just saw the little pots of these in H&B & thought it would be handy to take to work etc :)
I thought that they had stopped making the Wot no Dairy is soya free I think. I had a few and didn't like them much.....I didn't find them disgusting, but they weren't that nice. Not as good as the Alpro stuff.....I don't like yoghurt much anyway.
I like the wot no dairy yogurts, but then that might be because I'm allergic to soya yogurt so they're the only ones I can have. I like co-yo 100x more, but they're more expensive and even more difficult to find.
There's a health food shop near me that sells loads of the co-yo flavours (Food for Thought in Kingston on Thames in case anyones nearby). I tried one. Mango I think, it was vile to me. I found the texture too thick, it was like eating... i cant describe it. But if you like your yoghurt so thick it'd stay in the pot if you turned it upside down, it may be for you. Im one of these people who likes/hates things mainly based on texture sooooo I wouldnt pay too much attention

In other news, I cant wait for the Whole Foods to open in Richmond this October. Im gonna waste all my money on weird vegetables!
Oh cool, some of my Fiances family live near Kingston so maybe I'll drop in and stock up when I'm around. I really liked the texture, it was very thick and a bit sour, reminded me of greek yogurt. :) But you're right, it's really thick, but I liked that.
I tried the Vegusto herb cheese, it's really nice. I'm very pleasently supprised! Other cheeses are edible, but this is the only one I've thought "yum" about.

The pack says "stable outside the refridgerator for up to 48 hours" so I'll bring some home with me :) How is their faux meat? Maybe I should try that too.
I love the vegusto mushroom and cheese burgers. Their sausages and sandwich meats are good too, but I don't buy the sandwich meats much because I like Redwood's ones just fine, and the sausages are quite expensive. Very realistic though - incredibly meaty.
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My mum gave me some Warburton's brown square wraps. What the hell was the point in them? Theyre square so when you make your wrap you cant actually fold in the bottom. So my hummus/red pepper/rocket wrap just ended up slopping onto my plate and being eaten with a fork : (
I love the vegusto mushroom and cheese burgers. Their sausages and sandwich meats are good too, but I don't buy the sandwich meats much because I like Redwood's ones just fine, and the sausages are quite expensive. Very realistic though - incredibly meaty.

Thanks, I tried the mushroom and cheese burgers yesterday, they're really tasty. I have a sausage and three types of cheese left to go :)

I think I might start buying a selection every few months, if the sausage/other cheeses are as nice as what I've tried. I don't eat a lot of the faux stuff anyway (except sausages!), so I might as well indulge and buy the stuff I like the most, even though it's quite expensive. Although the increase in vegan cheese might not be good for my health :p
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Vegusto reviews so far:

No-moo melty: I really didn't like this. I think it was the texture, which was very very soft (but it didn't really "melt" like I expected it to, it stayed in the same shape but was melty inside) and maybe also because it was such a rich creamy taste which I guess I'm not used to. I chucked it away.
No moo piquant: Strong, flavourful, tasty. You only need a small amount, I liked the "hard-cheese" kinda texture. Again quite rich, so maybe not my favourite.
No-moo herb: My favourite cheese I think! Creamy, herby, very mild though. Nice cheese-like texture. I could just eat chunks of this one.
No-moo mild aromatic: Very chedder-ish. A good half-way house between the piquant and the herby in terms of cheesy-ness.
Farmhouse sausage (I think it was that one): Definitely the nicest vegan sausage I've tried. Although there are lots of good sausages out there and these are pretty expensive, I'd definitely buy them again. Probably my favourite product.
Mushroom and cheese burgers: Really tasty, flavourful, and what felt like a realistic texture (although after so many years that could be my imagination). I think the best "meaty" type of vegan burger I've tried.

Overall very impressed. I think I disliked some just because I'm not used to a rich "cheesy" flavour, having not eaten cheese for 7 years, and having only really eaten faux-cheese in the past year. So I think it was personal preference rather than a not-nice product. :)
I really liked the No-moo melty one but I haven't bought Vegusto for a while.

I saw this on MoneySavingExpert, this range of soya milk is available in some 99p stores, at two for 99p at the moment.

I really liked the No-moo melty one but I haven't bought Vegusto for a while.

I saw this on MoneySavingExpert, this range of soya milk is available in some 99p stores, at two for 99p at the moment.


Oooo I'm near a 99p store, will have a look!
There is a coffee flavoured milk and I do not know about this?
Need to find local 99p shop! I know where several £1 shops are but not 99p haha. Ill ask around as I need this in my life.
There is a coffee flavoured milk and I do not know about this?
Need to find local 99p shop! I know where several £1 shops are but not 99p haha. Ill ask around as I need this in my life.

It's soooo yummy. I've never seen/heard about flavoured non dairy milks in the uk other than chocolate before.
Yeah vanilla as well, but not cool ones like coffee & pumpkin spice etc like I always see US people posting about!
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