Vegusto reviews so far:
No-moo melty: I really didn't like this. I think it was the texture, which was very very soft (but it didn't really "melt" like I expected it to, it stayed in the same shape but was melty inside) and maybe also because it was such a rich creamy taste which I guess I'm not used to. I chucked it away.
No moo piquant: Strong, flavourful, tasty. You only need a small amount, I liked the "hard-cheese" kinda texture. Again quite rich, so maybe not my favourite.
No-moo herb: My favourite cheese I think! Creamy, herby, very mild though. Nice cheese-like texture. I could just eat chunks of this one.
No-moo mild aromatic: Very chedder-ish. A good half-way house between the piquant and the herby in terms of cheesy-ness.
Farmhouse sausage (I think it was that one): Definitely the nicest vegan sausage I've tried. Although there are lots of good sausages out there and these are pretty expensive, I'd definitely buy them again. Probably my favourite product.
Mushroom and cheese burgers: Really tasty, flavourful, and what felt like a realistic texture (although after so many years that could be my imagination). I think the best "meaty" type of vegan burger I've tried.
Overall very impressed. I think I disliked some just because I'm not used to a rich "cheesy" flavour, having not eaten cheese for 7 years, and having only really eaten faux-cheese in the past year. So I think it was personal preference rather than a not-nice product.