UK Product Thread

I raided waitrose today for the cappuccino soy milk!
Im disappointed in it :( its drinkable but tastes syrupy to me. it tastes like someones put chocolate syrup in soymilk, I cant taste coffee at all except a slight aftertaste. that said, ive never had a cappuccino and drink my coffee black with no sugar so im used to a strong taste (i was vegan before i started drinking coffee in case anyone wonders how that happened. ive never even had a white coffee, i like the black too much to experiment haha). ill drink this carton but wouldnt get it again. it might taste better if i nuke it and drink it warm, will try later.
I raided waitrose today for the cappuccino soy milk!
Im disappointed in it :( its drinkable but tastes syrupy to me. it tastes like someones put chocolate syrup in soymilk, I cant taste coffee at all except a slight aftertaste. that said, ive never had a cappuccino and drink my coffee black with no sugar so im used to a strong taste (i was vegan before i started drinking coffee in case anyone wonders how that happened. ive never even had a white coffee, i like the black too much to experiment haha). ill drink this carton but wouldnt get it again. it might taste better if i nuke it and drink it warm, will try later.

Oh really? I only tried it once as a drink straight & found it quite nice...did make it nice & cold with ice though I used most of it in a brownie & then little bits in my coffee instead of the usual almond milk. But still have one whole carton left unused, which will probably be used in baking again.
ahh see i was drinking it neat, and it was fridge cold but without ice. and poured a massive glass. I just nuked it and it is a lot nicer hot, tastes like a hot chocolate drink.

I ordered this hot chocolate syrup and Brother's toffee apple cider from Tesco this week.

I just tried to order the Vego chocolate bar but it is sold out so I got the Moo Free advent calendar instead.:)

I just read on another forum that vegan Quorn might be available as early as next year. I tried to find out the information but I couldn't work out where it came from.:confused:
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I just tried to order the Vego chocolate bar but it is sold out so I got the Moo Free advent calendar instead.:)

I just read on another forum that vegan Quorn might be available as early as next year. I tried to find out the information but I couldn't work out where it came from.:confused:

That is good news as Quorn products are fabulous. In the US they have vegan Quorn and I wonder why we can't get it in the UK.
That is good news as Quorn products are fabulous. In the US they have vegan Quorn and I wonder why we can't get it in the UK.

Have you tasted the vegan Quorn burger in the US? I used to like the ready meals containing Quorn but I found the burger made me feel sick. It apparently has that effect on some people. I would probably buy the vegan Quorn stuff for my husband when it comes over here.
That is good news as Quorn products are fabulous. In the US they have vegan Quorn and I wonder why we can't get it in the UK.

maybe Quorn have a contract with egg suppliers.....does Quorn use freerange eggs?

Would they really make a vegan lasagne?
Have you tasted the vegan Quorn burger in the US? I used to like the ready meals containing Quorn but I found the burger made me feel sick. It apparently has that effect on some people. I would probably buy the vegan Quorn stuff for my husband when it comes over here.

As I'm a Gardein fan, I have never tasted Quorn stuff in the US. I wonder what ingredient in the burger would make so many people sick ?
maybe Quorn have a contract with egg suppliers.....does Quorn use freerange eggs?

Would they really make a vegan lasagne?

Yes, they use free range egg whites. I just wonder why they don't come up with another vegan binder instead ?
I saw that this company exists the other day:

They do vegan treacle toffee, flavoured coconut ice, cupcakes and other sweets. I thought this gift box of orange fudge, treacle toffee, coconut ice, sugar mice and two packets of sweets for £10 seemed like a good deal. I plan to order some in the near future so I'll update if I do :)

ETA: I never really liked quorn, I always thought it was unpleasent, but my mind may have changed, more vegan stuff is always good and if nothing else it'll be something easy and available for family to buy in for to feed me when I visit them, which they like to do.
Yes, one of the ingredients in quorn make some people sick. I really can't remember what exactly it is right now but I am one of the people it effects if I have too much.
Yes, one of the ingredients in quorn make some people sick. I really can't remember what exactly it is right now but I am one of the people it effects if I have too much.

I know that it is made from a fungus. I suppose it is similar to mould ?
Yes I think it's the type of fungus & some people are sensitive to it. Also seem to remember reading that t is high in protein which some people are sensitive to too (no idea of the validity of that.)
We just had some new Linda McCartney quarter pounder burgers which I didn't like because it looked/smelt/exactly like meat!

Personally I don't like that as it turns my stomach but if you want a realistic meat substitute...go for that I guess.
We just had some new Linda McCartney quarter pounder burgers which I didn't like because it looked/smelt/exactly like meat!

Personally I don't like that as it turns my stomach but if you want a realistic meat substitute...go for that I guess.

That is a shame as most of the products from her range taste good. I suppose it is not always easy to obtain the
right balance ; a 'meaty' taste that is not overpowering.
Yes, one of the ingredients in quorn make some people sick. I really can't remember what exactly it is right now but I am one of the people it effects if I have too much.

I ate Quorn once years ago as a vegetarian and didn't like it.

"Medical studies have proven that Quorn's fungal ingredient is an allergen, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the United Kingdom's Food Standards Agency still allow its sale. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit food-safety organization based in Washington, D.C., has heard from more than 2,000 consumers in Europe and the United States who have suffered reactions to Quorn.

Despite what some of the manufacturer's (Marlow Foods) marketing materials indicate, the fungus used in Quorn is only distantly related to mushrooms, truffles, or morels. While all are members of the fungus kingdom, Quorn is made from a less appetizing fungus (or mold) called Fusarium venenatum.

CSPI urges consumers to avoid Quorn and urges natural-foods retailers likeWhole Foods not to sell this product that is dangerous to sensitive individuals."
I ate Quorn once years ago as a vegetarian and didn't like it.

"Medical studies have proven that Quorn's fungal ingredient is an allergen, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the United Kingdom's Food Standards Agency still allow its sale. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit food-safety organization based in Washington, D.C., has heard from more than 2,000 consumers in Europe and the United States who have suffered reactions to Quorn.

Despite what some of the manufacturer's (Marlow Foods) marketing materials indicate, the fungus used in Quorn is only distantly related to mushrooms, truffles, or morels. While all are members of the fungus kingdom, Quorn is made from a less appetizing fungus (or mold) called Fusarium venenatum.

CSPI urges consumers to avoid Quorn and urges natural-foods retailers likeWhole Foods not to sell this product that is dangerous to sensitive individuals."

I've already read nasty things about Quorn and was wondering whether the US and UK products are made in the same way and using the same ingredients.
I very often have eaten UK Quorn and I find the products tasty and I've never had and side effects. Would it be the mouldy substance that is causing some people to have a reaction ? Mould is found in other food products ; cheese, wine etc so prehaps it is just an individual intolerence ?
I've already read nasty things about Quorn and was wondering whether the US and UK products are made in the same way and using the same ingredients.
I very often have eaten UK Quorn and I find the products tasty and I've never had and side effects. Would it be the mouldy substance that is causing some people to have a reaction ? Mould is found in other food products ; cheese, wine etc so prehaps it is just an individual intolerence ?
That is what I think, too, that it is the mold that causes a reaction in some people, since molds are such a common allergan. Lots of people eat Quorn with no problem at all.
That is what I think, too, that it is the mold that causes a reaction in some people, since molds are such a common allergan. Lots of people eat Quorn with no problem at all.

I'm sure that that the majority of Quorn consumers have no allergy issues.
There is such a vast selection at Sainsbury's of Quorn products and I always see many people picking up lots of packs.