"Proud white man"

Oh, I've already been there a few times, and many of the times I have left the place with a sour taste in my mouth.

Of course, the forum is built similarly to VV, as in that it's composed of sub-forums like health, sports, cooking, high culture and so forth, so if you manage to ignore the parts about race and cultures, you'd probably find a few persons or more that you would be able to get along well with.

Sure, I would love conversing with Sieg Heil, and YoungAngryWhiteMale (actual members). Also I would love to join it considering I am biracial, and the board and its inhabitants basically insult my very birth and existence.
Sure, I would love conversing with Sieg Heil, and YoungAngryWhiteMale (actual members). Also I would love to join it considering I am biracial, and the board and its inhabitants basically insult my very birth and existence.

I meant as a general implication, not you as a person.
I meant as a general implication, not you as a person.

But why would anyone with any sense want to join? If someone wanted to talk about cooking or gardening they could join any normal forum and not have to put up with neo-nazis goose-stepping around.
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But why would anyone with any sense want to join? If someone wanted to talk about cooking or gardening they could join any normal forum and not have to put up with neo-nazis goose-stepping around.

Oh, I was thinking more about the disparity between the different parts; people who are really nice and helpful on one hand hand manages to say very hateful things like that as well.
I don't think it is necessarily an 'ist', if someone is part of a minority. Being part of a minority might entail having to overcome things, in which case there would be something that someone could feel proud of.
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I don't think it is necessarily an 'ist', if someone is part of a minority. Being part of a minority might entail having to overcome things, in which case there would be something that someone could feel proud of.

None of the statements read "I am race/gender and am proud of achieving X and/or overcoming Y " though, Blobbers.

Each was simply a declaration of pride in race and/or gender alone.

Anything based on race alone is racist.

Anything based on gender alone is sexist.

Anything based on a combination of race and gender alone is both sexist and racist.
Amy SF, your post does make a lot of sense.

I'm a white female and I've never particularly felt held back by the fact that I'm female. Maybe because I never married, no kids and I'm relatively independent. I find my weight issue struggles a bigger issue for me. When I've watched TV shows where they show scenarios with different people of different skin colors, genders, attractiveness and how others respond, I think "yeah I could have told you that one"

I don't get the white male bashing mentality. One never knows who that person is they see walking down the street. What they experienced in their life, what they overcame. You don't know if that straight looking white male in a suit survived being beat up by his drunk father through his childhood or any other adversities. I certainly have never been harassed by anyone when I've been with a male and I've certainly been harassed alone. So I get that. But to think every white male has just had easy street in life isn't true.
I think, for me, there are two issues that I think this topic brings up.

The first has been put better by Amy SF than I think I could have done. So I'll leave that there.

I think there's also a second issue - that many people in countries like the UK feel that the "politically correct" (I hate using that word) landscape changes so frequently that they don't know what the right thing to say is. I think there's a backlash of people criticising left/liberal politics/people (and the OP is a prime example of this) because in trying to be (and create a society that's more) inclusive and non-offensive, some people who are not clued up on current left-leaning politics feel like they're constantly being demonised/called out (or called racist, homophobic, etc) for saying the wrong thing, when that isn't their intention.

The real issue is that too many comfortably-off middle-class people of professedly 'left/liberal' (Guardianumpty) politics deliberately look the other way when it suits them. So they won't address the issue of Pakistani paedophile gangs raping underage white English girls, because the Pakistanis are part of an ethnic minority (albeit in certain urban areas of Birmingham, Bradford etc they are a majority) so therefore they are 'oppressed'. Genuine left-wingers, those of working-class background who support trade union rights, a decent minimum wage, who oppose privatisation and outsourcing of jobs to other countries, know that mass immigration and multiculturalism have had a disastrous effect on working-class communities hence don't fall into that trap.
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The real issue is that too many comfortably-off middle-class people of professedly 'left/liberal' (Guardianumpty) politics deliberately look the other way when it suits them. So they won't address the issue of Pakistani paedophile gangs raping underage white English girls, because the Pakistanis are part of an ethnic minority (albeit in certain urban areas of Birmingham, Bradford etc they are a majority) so therefore they are 'oppressed'.
If you get rid of these so-called Pakistani pedophile gangs, children will still get molested in the United Kingdom, because pedophiles are not exclusively Pakistani, and children who get molested are not exclusively white girls. The real issue, is that children are being molested.
It's because all those other people are members of minorities that have been and still are harassed, persecuted, and marginalized by white people. Especially white people who are straight, male and Christian. When members of minorities state they are proud to be a member of a particular minority, they are asserting self-worth, something that has historically been denied to them. When white men state they are proud to be white, they are perceived to be asserting superiority and dominance over others because of their historical role as persecutors, not as the persecuted.

Does that make any sense?
When have Hispanics or Asians been persecuted or had their rights taken away? If you're talking about the United States only, the crime rate doesn't indicate they've been treated poorly. I'm hopeful one day we'll look at the person as an individual rather than group people together, but obviously judging from many posts here we're far away from that ever happening.
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All seven of them are both racist and sexist.

Uh no.
If you get rid of these so-called Pakistani pedophile gangs, children will still get molested in the United Kingdom, because pedophiles are not exclusively Pakistani, and children who get molested are not exclusively white girls. The real issue, is that children are being molested.

But it's so easy to blame some one else, isn't it? "They're hurting our women" is about the oldest excuse in the book to justify bigotry.
Even so, the concept of feeling pride over something that you have no influence over isn't really my thing; I'm much rather a proud vegetarian than I am a proud bisexual.
If you get rid of these so-called Pakistani pedophile gangs, children will still get molested in the United Kingdom, because pedophiles are not exclusively Pakistani, and children who get molested are not exclusively white girls. The real issue, is that children are being molested.

Yes, children will still be molested as Jimmy Savile proved. But with regard to Pakistani rapists, it is that the 'liberal left' media and to their shame the police, turned a blind eye for more than a decade for fear of being accused of 'racism'. Here's what the Guardian prefers that you don't know:

But it's so easy to blame some one else, isn't it? "They're hurting our women" is about the oldest excuse in the book to justify bigotry.

You really haven't got a clue and you certainly don't understand the scale of it. Rochdale was just the tip of the iceberg. You call it 'bigotry' to describe people of an immigrant background who rape children as being rapists or paedophiles when that is precisely what they are. Sadly your views are too common amongst the middle-class 'liberal left' and another reason why the indigenous working-class of Britain have been betrayed.